Les animaux marins ( en voie de disparition )
Comme tout le monde le sais, certaines espèces marines sont menacées principalement par la pollution qui entraine le réchauffement climatique
I/Les causes de la disparition
A/La chasse
Les baleines sont les principales victimes de la chasse, car elles sont recherchées pour leur chair. Aujourd‘hui, des traités internationaux limitent de façon très stricte la chasse à la baleine.
Mais certains pays continuent la pêche à la baleine sous une condition : Que cette espèce de baleine ne soit pas menacée.
B/Les activités humaines
Les animaux marins sont pris dans des filets de pêches ou dans des hélices de bateau de croisières .La construction d’hôtel en bort de mer peut déranger l’habitat des animaux marins.
C/La captivité
Par contre certains cétacés sont capturés pour être dompté puis exposés dans des centres aquatiques. Ces animaux vivent mal car la captivité, pour eux c’est comme un enlèvement car beaucoup d’entre eux, ont un rôle dans leur bande. Ainsi si on enlève un membre d’un groupe cela bouleverse tout.
Pour les cétacés la capture est un exercice violent. Certain d’entre eux comme les dauphins se noient à cause du stresse. Plus de la moitié des dauphins meurent durant les deux premières années de captivité, l’espérance de vie d’un grand dauphin en captivité est de 20 ans au maximum, aux contraire d’un grand dauphin en liberté qui accède facilement les 45 ans tandis que pour une femelle libre elle atteint facilement les 55 ans.
D/La pollution industrielle
La pollution est plus visible et plus connue, elle est causée par des accidents de navire pétroliers ce qui entraînent les marées noires qui sont de plus en plus visibles .De nombreux bateaux viennent vidée leur déchets dans la mer.
E/Les changements climatiques
Le réchauffement climatique est causé par la pollution. Le réchauffement climatique hausse la température des océans et modifie les courants océaniques. Les animaux marins ne peuvent pas vivre dans de nouvelle conditions.
II/Les principales victimes
A/Le Dugong
Les populations de dugong ( vaches marines ) déclinent dangereusement .Le dugong, ce gros mammifère marin de 500 kg, à la silhouette lourde, est obligé de venir à la surface de l’eau toute les 1 à 4 minutes. Il est victime de la pêche, de la pollution des eaux et des accidents. A cause de certaines croyances hygiènes dans certains pays, le Dugong est tué pour ces vertus magique. Les défenses de Dugong mâles servent à confectionner des colliers ou des fûmes cigarette. A ce jour il ne reste que 70.000 Dugongs. Sur les côtes Africaines, autrefois on pouvait les observés par troupeaux de plusieurs centaines de bêtes, on ne les voit plus maintenant que par dizaines ou même par fois seul.
B/Le Phoque moine
Il fait partie des 6 espèces de mammifères marins les plus menacés au monde. Les phoques sont menacés par la pollution, elle les rend malade et les affaiblie. A cause des pêches il n’a plus assez de nourritures, il est aussi tuer car on l’accuse de manger trop de poisson, ils se font prendre dans des filets que les pêcheurs ont laissé. Il n’en reste environ 500 sur terre.
C/La Baleine Bleue
La pêche a anéantit la population de Baleine bleue, à cause de la surpêche à la baleine. Il en restait encore 200.000 en 1950 tandis qu’en 1980 il n’en restait que 2.000. L’interdiction de sa chasse et la création récente d’un sanctuaire devrai permettre à l’ espèce de se reproduire.
D/Le Beluga
Le béluga est une espèce vulnérable. Il en reste 60.000 à 80.000 bélugas sur la terre. Ils sont menacés par la pollution de la mer par les produits toxiques, cela les rend malades.
L’esturgeon a disparu des côtes d’Europe occidentale, sauf en France ou il est quand même devenu très rare. Plus de 4.000 captures en 1947 et 10 en 1980. Il est regrettable de tuer la femelle pour en extraire les œufs, car cette manière de procéder entraîne la suspension des reproducteurs indispensable à la source de l’espèce. Ces animaux sont menacés par la pollution, les dragages, les barrages et la pêche de sujet trop jeunes .Toutes c’est conditions font que l’esturgeon se raréfie dangereusement et risque même de s’éteindre dans un avenir prochain.
L’hippocampe appeler cheval des mers est menacé. 20 millions d’entre eux sont pêché chaque année. Ils sont aussi vendu vivant comme poisson d’aquarium et on s’en sert comme bibelot ou sécher dans des pendentifs.
Si on ne fait rien pour protéger les océans, certaines espèces marines n’existerons plus d’ici peu.
J’aime les animaux et la nature, nous devons les protéger!
When teaching, time is recorded in pulong units. Since the numbers are recorded, the overall situation of the teaching assistant can be grasped later on, saying, ‘You did teaching like this on that day.’ In Japan, time teaching is also considered a way to communicate with horse racing fans. This is one of the indicators that horse racing fans can see 인터넷경마
how the assistant instructs the assistant. For example, in Japan, if the assistant instructs, « Today’s training is 16 seconds, » the track riders should come in accordingly, not too early than 16 seconds. It is definitely in line with the assistant instructions. Recording alone can take a step forward in creating a good teaching assistant.
Recently, Minister Lee Dong-pil is making efforts to tie the knot and step down from his post. He had a breakfast meeting with publishers of specialty newspapers on Thursday, and wrote his personal impressions on his SNS account on Friday. « When I took office as the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs of the Republic of Korea,인터넷경마 I made efforts to check, confirm, and check the role I had promised myself. Some of the things I promised at first were underachieved, and others were not yet started. I hope you understand widely, » he wrote on his resignation from his post.
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The full implementation of the electronic card by the Board of Audit and Inspection is a legal system that requires charging the amount of money to the card with personal information entered when using all legal gambling industries, including horse racing, bicycle racing, casinos, and lottery tickets for professional sports, as well as sports betting rights (Sports Toto). When electronic cards are introduced, users of the gambling industry are required to charge cash and bet on them after 인터넷경마 receiving the card, not the current cash purchase method, but are required to recognize fingers (designated veins) in the process of issuing the card. In particular, the recommendation being pursued by the Board of Audit and Inspection is that it will expand to 20% of the over-the-counter sales centers this year based on the full implementation of electronic cards in 2018, and reduce the cash bet to 30,000 won next year and lower the cash bet to 10,000 won in 2017.
If the communication between the existing and the new sides continues and the fun of horse racing is realized, the atmosphere will be completely different from the present. I think it will naturally transform into a powerful community. Korea’s face is by no means as honorable as the UK, and yet, as the US is well circulated, there is no economic 인터넷경마 guarantee. Horse racing begins with the face of the face buying horses, but in the current situation, it returns to a system that is completely unsatisfactory with some exceptions, and the interest decreases. As a result, people stop facing each other. Horse racing society is neglecting this situation, which is seen as a crisis in horse racing. How can horse racing be supplied and supplied when the willingness of the faces to purchase is declining? Since 2005, the pace of face-to-face replacement has accelerated too much.
Korea Racing Authority, which boasts a three-year history, has faced an unprecedented crisis due to regulatory pressure such as the expansion of over-the-counter sales offices and the full implementation of electronic cards at a time when customers have plummeted 42% over the past 10 years and sales have been on red light. The Racing Authority 인터넷경마 has carried out internal reforms over the past year to overcome this crisis. It has focused on normalizing abnormalities by reducing employee welfare to the level that the public understands and introducing performance-based principles at the level of private companies such as top-down draft personnel to strengthen competition. As a desperate reflection on horse racing products that are neglected after such bone-cutting self-reflection, it has decided that « horse innovation » is necessary.
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If a foreign company has an eye on the Korean horse industry, it will be soon to pass. » All areas of the horse industry of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries should be dedicated…It is difficult to develop an industry that creates a « blind spot » (Interviewed by Chung Myung-chae, an advisor to the Korea Association of Agricultural and 일본경마사이트 Fishing Villages and former president of the Korea National University of Agriculture and Fisheries). « The World Trade Organization (WTO) is strengthening the enforcement power of various regulations (UR agreements, FTA agreements, ISD regulations, etc.) that promote agricultural monopoly and neutralize government agriculture in each country. The need for cooperative farming (agricultural chambers, cooperative companies, etc.) is being highlighted to avoid this. In order to prevent the structure of outflow of national wealth through the capital control of global companies and advanced capital in third countries, the vitalization of cooperative companies has
As the government cannot handle independent agricultural policies such as production support, price support, import/export control, and support in the era of the WTO, the (medium) Agricultural Chamber is emerging 일본경마사이트 as the only means to make political use of self-government and cooperation through the Agricultural Chamber. Therefore, it is necessary to form a constitutional-based agricultural chamber. Whether you know M Company, the world’s largest seed company and 90 percent of the global GMO patents, many books and documentaries covered how M Company has grown. In particular, a documentary clearly reveals how M Company reduced farmers to « workers » through seeds. M Company separates farmers and lets them pursue their own profits, divides them, and then makes them buy seeds every year. This is a phenomenon that happened when a company monopolizes an industry. Dr. Chung Myung-chae is former president of the Korea Agricultural and Fisheries University, and is currently an advisor to the Korea Rural Community
at the Agricultural Technology Promotion Center’s office in Yongsan-gu, Seoul, and said, « The horse industry should not be accessed by itself but should be helped to eradicate it from the private sector. You are the eldest adult who has led Korean agriculture until now. In particular, I heard that you came into contact with the horse industry when you obtained 일본경마사이트 a doctorate in agricultural economics in Germany in the 1980s. When I was studying in Germany from 1982 to 1986, I first encountered horses as a horse industry. Unlike Korea, Germany has developed horse-riding clubs around it, mainly on a single horse farm. It is common to entrust horses to a horse farm and borrow horses from a horse-riding club. This will facilitate the operation of the horse-riding club with 20 horses. It is also possible to run on a large area per horse. Both horses used grasslands that were close to 2 hectares. Germany is one of the world’s most recognized horse industry powers. What direction do you think Korea should take in
Not only in Germany but also in Europe, the horse industry has long been established as a sector of agriculture because it has been developed by a dedicated department. Currently, Korea has different departments 일본경마사이트 in charge of the horse industry, such as the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, and the Ministry of Culture. When a department is divided, blind spots are created. In order for an industry to develop, it cannot develop only when there is a blind spot. Many people say that there should be something to attract the general public to the horse racing competition in order for the horse industry to develop. What other ways are there to develop the horse racing industry? To make the horse racing competition enjoyable for the general public, each horse racing club should open it. Depending on the winner of the horse racing competition, a large number of horse racing competitions should be held with a small amount of money in order to make each region famous.
At the summer workshop of the Korea Federation of Agricultural and Fishing Village Horse Associations held in July, Dr. Chung Myung-chae said, « Under the WTO rules, if Korean companies enter the agricultural sector, they should allow foreign companies to enter the agricultural sector. This means that there is a greater concern that our agriculture 일본경마사이트 will be eroded by foreign capital, » adding, « As a strategic countermeasure, we need to implement item-specific cooperatives and quota systems. » Recently, there was a lot of controversy when LG CNS entered the Saemangeum industry, and at the summer workshop of the Korea Federation of Agricultural and Fishing Village Horse Associations held in July, he mentioned ‘item-specific cooperatives’ and ‘quota system’ as his solutions. The horse industry also said that it should attract these two things soon for the future, and I wonder why. When Korea’s horse industry can afford it, the Korean Horse Association should empower each horse racing club. When a company
Korea is currently the No. 1 importer of GMOs, and many large companies have already entered the livestock industry. Harim accounts for more than 80 percent of the poultry industry. When a specific feed is fed to 일본경마사이트 Harim for delivery, it is the same as a specific feed that occupied the Korean feed market. Not only the shareholders who bought Harim’s stock, but also the standardized and connected sector benefited from the profit and took over the industry. It has become easier to dominate the market. Recently, the government has started to reduce the number of public enterprises. If the Korean Horse Racing Authority becomes a private enterprise, the Korean horse industry will fall into foreign hands in less than five years. The more this happens, the more the Korean agriculture and horse industry should unite. We need to create cooperatives in each region and lead them to the level of the National Federation. This should be developed to the level of agricultural chambers. A quota system should be introduced to
Korea is currently the No. 1 importer of GMOs, and many large companies have already entered the livestock industry. Harim accounts for more than 80 percent of the poultry industry. When a specific feed is fed to Harim 일본경마사이트 for delivery, it is the same as a specific feed that occupied the Korean feed market. Not only the shareholders who bought Harim’s stock, but also the standardized and connected sector benefited from the profit and took over the industry. It has become easier to dominate the market. Recently, the government has started to reduce the number of public enterprises. If the Korean Horse Racing Authority becomes a private enterprise, the Korean horse industry will fall into foreign hands in less than five years. The more this happens, the more the Korean agriculture and horse industry should unite. We need to create cooperatives in each region and lead them to the level of the National Federation. This should be developed to the level of agricultural chambers. A quota system should be introduced to
In Europe, individual agricultural activities are guaranteed through a quota system. This is why cooperatives are created for each item and the Federation of Cooperatives is targeting the government. Taking swee 일본경마사이트 t potatoes as an example, each farmer’s area is actually farming, divided by the percentage of the total production that the federation is aiming for this year, and a quota is given. Farmers can then farm and sell sweet potatoes up to this quota. If a company wants to start growing sweet potatoes, it has to buy quotas from farmers, and the federation oversees them, so effective management can be achieved. The quota system will prevent companies from entering, but wouldn’t it cause a stagnation in the horse industry, where continuous production is difficult like other industries? The quota system is a way for technology to develop in order to improve quality. With the introduction of a quota system, each farm is trying to produce the best milk and selling all cows that produce anything other than
It should be divided into different purposes, such as passenger and meat, so that they can exercise their interests. In particular, the improvement of quality is of utmost importance because the horse’s 일본경마사이트 ability is important, as well as the size of its users must be raised accordingly. When foreign companies or large corporations enter the horse industry, it will be bogged down as « workers. » Quality needs to be upgraded in order for the horse industry to take root in the private sector. Lastly, it is becoming increasingly difficult to receive subsidies due to the public awareness that they do not know why they should grow agriculture as well as the horse industry. In foreign countries, it is also becoming difficult to provide subsidies to agriculture due to agreements between countries and public awareness. Europe supports agriculture with reasons such as « clearing the water by farming, » « preserving traditions, » and « beautiful landscapes. » This enables farmers to be confident in their farming. The horse
Horses, » which are both a symbol of tough vitality and docility. They have been active in various fields and have walked together throughout the history of mankind for a long time. However, there was a time 일본경마사이트 when it was regarded as a symbol of men, mainly because it was used for pulling carts, riding vehicles, or military purposes. Particularly in Korea, after the middle of the Joseon Dynasty, an overly closed Confucian culture took hold, and the sense of distance between women and horses was added. In addition, the rumor that « women on the horse’s belt are strong » spread during the Japanese colonial era, and it was abused as a means to suppress the passport, and the valley only grew deeper. On the other hand, in a country where the horse industry has become more common, horses are being raised just like we have pets such as dogs and cats. There is no way there is a sense of distance between horses and women. Australia, famous for its high level of women’s rights, has mostly been friends with horses since
At the Gold Coast I horse auction held in Australia earlier this year, more than half of the staff representing the ranch were women. « It’s a wonder to us that we are amazed to see women doing horse work, 일본경마사이트 » said Baramool Stud’s female manager who had an interview with this newspaper. « It’s not the difference between women and men who are strong and not strong, it’s just the difference in individual ability. » « Australian women are tough and have the mental strength that keeps up with men, » she said. « I’ve been with horses since I was very young, and I started working as a teenager, but I’ve never had much trouble. » Finally, she stressed, « What’s important is how well you know horses and how much you truly care about them. » In fact, many of the ranch officials who attended the auction at the time were teenage girls, and most of them seemed to be skillful with horses. It’s nothing strange that a female jockey won the Melbourne Cup, Australia’s largest competition.
Initially, the plan was to provide wages for one year in connection with the introduction of the track rider, but the decision was made as a result of consultations between the Horse Racing Association, the Korean Horse Racing Association, and the Horse Racing Management Union to operate it as an employment subject. The Korea Horse Racing 인터넷경마 Association originally held discussions with related organizations on the second phase of horse racing innovation to create synergy with the first phase of horse racing innovation since March. At that time, the Horse Racing Association planned to discuss and adjust the implementation plan for each phase of the second phase of the innovation project by mid-April, and then to finalize and apply the detailed implementation plan for each phase of the second phase of horse racing innovation project in July. However, as the department in charge was transferred to the Seoul Regional Headquarters, the progress of the consultation was delayed.
According to the federation, after Park (living in Yongsan-gu) approached a Yongsan employee in July 2013 that he would take charge of the work of the residents in favor of relocating the Yongsan branch under the guise of the residents in favor of relocating the branch, Park later helped to introduce the local maintenance, find a place for 인터넷경마 a resident briefing session, remove illegal banners on the other side, and install a plan card for the relocation. As the relocation of the branch stabilized, Park began to ask employees of the Yongsan branch to take profits, such as the operation of a store or a specialty store in the branch, in 2014. Later, while Park became aware of the fact that he had a history of fraudulent crimes, the branch employee above expressed his inability to accept the demand in principle by laws and regulations.
At the Gold Coast I horse auction held in Australia earlier this year, more than half of the staff representing the ranch were women. « It’s a wonder to us that we are amazed to see women doing horse work, » 일본경마사이트 said Baramool Stud’s female manager who had an interview with this newspaper. « It’s not the difference between women and men who are strong and not strong, it’s just the difference in individual ability. » « Australian women are tough and have the mental strength that keeps up with men, » she said. « I’ve been with horses since I was very young, and I started working as a teenager, but I’ve never had much trouble. » Finally, she stressed, « What’s important is how well you know horses and how much you truly care about them. » In fact, many of the ranch officials who attended the auction at the time were teenage girls, and most of them seemed to be skillful with horses. It’s nothing strange that a female jockey won the Melbourne Cup, Australia’s largest competition.
In addition to horse racing officials who are accumulating splendid achievements from outside, women are silently walking their own paths throughout the Korean horse industry, becoming a strong pillar. They are 일본경마사이트 living not as « women » but as one « military officer » who makes use of the characteristics of « women. » Still, the number is small, but what they have accomplished cannot be ignored. Now that « female hatred, » « women’s prestige, » and « men and women’s equality » have emerged as hot potatoes, they may find a clue to the solution if they look into their lives, which are barren here. The first horse to be seen in this special issue is Kim Soo-jin, who led horse racing to the public. Not only the first female horse racing announcement in Korea, but also the first female auction house, and recently the short track venue announcement, Kim Soo-jin’s path has been walked by announcer Kim Soo-jin. The name of the champion will be recorded, but the wounds of the thorn bush will remain deep inside the body.
I met her in person and listened to her story about how she would have looked like. Let’s look back on the moment when I first became involved with this place. It’s an unfamiliar job, but how did you come across it? I got 일본경마사이트 to work in the broadcasting industry because of the broadcasting group that I accidentally entered when I was in middle school. At that time, I had various experiences as a producer, announcer, and engineer, and it was so fun and I strongly thought that it was something I could do well because it fit my aptitude. Around the time I came out of society, I saw an announcement that the Korean Horse Racing Association was hiring a female announcer. At that time, I only vaguely knew about horse racing, but I had no idea about the reality. I took the test because I thought I had to find a job anywhere, and that’s how my relationship with horses began. At that time, the horse racing world was literally barren for women. The process of heading to the bare ground would not have been easy, right?
There were only a few female employees in the horseracing community, but Martha’s area would not have been good. There were no female jockeys at the time, and it was literally a women’s area. One day was a hot summer day, and I visited Martha’s area in a broadcast vehicle to cover it. I got off in front of the horse shower in front of the polling station and the managers were taking a shower so comfortably. That, too, as a group. I passed by pretending I didn’t see it. (laughs) It was so natural 일본경마사이트 at the time because there were no women in the area. When I visited the horse racing room in the morning because of urgent coverage, an elderly person shouted, « It’s unlucky when a woman comes. » It’s true that I didn’t feel happy all the time, but on the other hand, I thought, « This is fun. » It was because I thought that this culture could be eliminated carefully depending on my efforts. From then on, I think I ran on my feet and covered it. So, the scarcity of women can sometimes be helpful.
He has no power to win over his sincerity. And he was projecting his sincerity toward the development of youth horseback riding. He was doing the most valuable thing he could do with horses, giving healing through horseback riding to local residents and children in Ansan, who were hurt by the Ferry Sewol disaster. On Thursday, Oct. 22, I met Park 일본경마사이트 Kyung-nam, CEO of Triple Valley, at Ansan Elementary School. Horses-related banners were displayed on one side of the large school stadium stand. Under the banner « Let’s Play with Horses, » hosted by the Ansan Horse Racing School, the Gyeonggi Office of Education’s Village Education Community Planning Team, and Dream School, three Jeju ponies stood side by side. They also gave the horses carrots and took pictures together, and they seemed to be having fun playing with them.
In addition, I remember a series that was hosted under the title of field trip. I always feel it while working here, but the fans seem to be filled with misunderstandings and distrust that cannot be helped because they 일본경마사이트 bet money to watch the horse race. At that time, it was so severe that I desperately wanted to show them a living scene. I hoped that the sweat, will, passion, and grievances of the officials I contained could dispel any misunderstanding of the fans. It was a 15-minute broadcast made with horses or characters as the main characters, and I think it was a time when I was able to grow by running around a lot and meeting many people. He played a pioneering role in the creation of today’s horse racing broadcasting. At that time, there were only announcers on the broadcasting team, and there were no producers, writers, or even editors. So, when I was in a hurry, I took pictures with a camera myself, and edited, directed, and composed the composition myself.
I literally made broadcasts from one to ten while running around with the camera director, but it was so fun that I didn’t think about moving to another place. Even now, the excitement and passion of that time remain 일본경마사이트 the same. With that passion, I’ve been on the field for nearly 10 years, and all of a sudden, I’m going to challenge myself to become the first female broadcast announcer in Korea. Broadcasting and broadcasting are clearly different fields, so what made you challenge yourself? Even I had never thought about a woman broadcasting a horse race. Some horse racing fans jokingly said, « What about a woman broadcasting? » in the horse racing love room, and then team leader Kim Yong-cheol found it. Team leader Kim Yong-cheol is the one who has created the birthplace of all horse racing contents with us. He suggested whether he had faith because he has been watching me run hard for nine years. At first, it is true that I hesitated with the same prejudice as other people whether a woman could speak
He has no power to win over his sincerity. And he was projecting his sincerity toward the development of youth horseback riding. He was doing the most valuable thing he could do with horses, giving healing through horseback riding to local residents and children in Ansan, who were hurt by the Ferry Sewol disaster. On Thursday, Oct. 22, I met Park 일본경마사이트 Kyung-nam, CEO of Triple Valley, at Ansan Elementary School. Horses-related banners were displayed on one side of the large school stadium stand. Under the banner « Let’s Play with Horses, » hosted by the Ansan Horse Racing School, the Gyeonggi Office of Education’s Village Education Community Planning Team, and Dream School, three Jeju ponies stood side by side. They also gave the horses carrots and took pictures together, and they seemed to be having fun playing with them.
After that incident, I paid more attention to safety. I look back on the dangerous behaviors I did unconsciously and emphasize the importance of safety to my juniors every time. At that time, the horse riding course covered all expenses incurred at the hospital. I would like to express my gratitude to the chairman, CEO, and instructors of the horse riding 인터넷경마 course who always asked me how I was feeling, whether there was any inconvenience or unnecessary. I usually think that saving a lot of animals increases your consideration for people. It also helps a lot emotionally. I want to make people heal with horses and gain consideration for life and a lot of enlightenment in the activities with horses. To do that, I want to strive for the welfare of horses. I want to study more fields, continue to experience and experience in practice, and continue to develop myself rather than being stopped.
[Mal Industry Journal] Reporter Lee Yong-joon = The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (hereinafter referred to as the « Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs ») said in June that it selected Kim Jong-soo 일본경마사이트 , CEO of Donbak Co., Ltd., an agricultural corporation based in Miryang, Gyeongsangnam-do, as a rural convergence industry worker. The Ministry of Agriculture and Food has selected excellent management companies in the rural convergence industry every month that create various added values through production (primary), manufacturing and processing (secondary) and services such as distribution, experience, and tourism (third) in the agricultural sector. Kim Jong-soo, CEO of Donbak Co., Ltd., is contributing to the revitalization of the local economy by finding a breakthrough by developing processing technology that can maintain high-quality amid a crisis that is threatened by low-cost lotus roots from China. CEO Kim Jong-soo organized a « public election distribution meeting » consisting of 15
Donbak Co., Ltd. is complete with HACCP-certified processing and freezing facilities to produce a variety of safe processed foods such as lotus root tea, fried lotus root powder, and lotus root vegetables. In addition, 일본경마사이트 it has signed an annual contract to supply 220 tons of « steamed frozen lotus roots » with large retailers this year, equipped with state-of-the-art facilities (washing machines, roasting machines, slicers, and dryers) that can process 1,500 tons of lotus roots annually. CEO Kim Jong-soo introduced high-quality lotus root processing products that differentiate them from existing lotus root products, and in particular, « steamed frozen lotus roots » are receiving great response from consumers because they do not contain additives and are easy to cook. Donbak Co., Ltd.’s processed products entered overseas markets such as China and Japan as well as online and offline sales, and in recognition of their achievements, they were designated as « a company specializing in agricultural food processing and
After that incident, I paid more attention to safety. I look back on the dangerous behaviors I did unconsciously and emphasize the importance of safety to my juniors every time. At that time, the horse riding course covered all expenses incurred at the hospital. I would like to express my gratitude to the chairman, CEO, and instructors of the horse 인터넷경마 riding course who always asked me how I was feeling, whether there was any inconvenience or unnecessary. I usually think that saving a lot of animals increases your consideration for people. It also helps a lot emotionally. I want to make people heal with horses and gain consideration for life and a lot of enlightenment in the activities with horses. To do that, I want to strive for the welfare of horses. I want to study more fields, continue to experience and experience in practice, and continue to develop myself rather than being stopped.
The 20-ri Dulle-gil, which was built along the lotus road, is adjacent to Miryang Theater Village, Experience Center, and Lotus Complex, which attracted more than 100,000 visitors last year. Choi Bong-soon 일본경마사이트 , head of the rural industry division at the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, said, « Donbak, an agricultural corporation, is contributing to increasing the income of farmers, developing new consumer markets, and revitalizing the local economy through experience activities, » adding, « The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs will continue to support and foster excellent management companies in the rural convergence industry that contribute to revitalizing the local economy by utilizing agricultural and rural resources. » In June, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food selected Kim Jong-soo, CEO of an agricultural corporation, as a rural convergence industry. CEO Kim Jong-soo is contributing to the revitalization of the local economy by developing processing technology that can
[Horse Industry Journal] Reporter Hwang In-sung = Jeon Jae-hee, who is active in Europe, visited Korea for the selection match at the 2018 Jakarta-Palembang Asian Games. Moving to a venue to participate in a 일본경마사이트 competition is not an easy task in horseback riding. It is because you have to travel with a horse, and in particular, participating in a competition across a continent other than an adjacent place entails a lot of cost. I met Jeon Jae-hee, who participated in the domestic competition with full support from Europe and Korea. The reason I came to Korea is because there is the 2018 Jakarta-Palembang competition to be held in August. Are you currently working out in Europe? Yes, I am. I am working out in Belgium, Europe. I have been coached by former Belgian champion Lieven Devos. I have been with him since I was young, and he has been receiving a lot of help now. He also helped me a lot physically and mentally to get a horse to participate in the competition.
Does that mean Europe, not Korea, provided support for horse transportation and tournament participation? Yes, it is. The story is complicated, but it is true that Coach Reven provided a lot of support. In Europe, it is 일본경마사이트 sometimes called sponsorship, so many people meet together. Sometimes it is two or three people. Several places in Europe gave me a sponge, so I came all the way to Korea. Is it common to provide full support for athletes from other countries in Europe? It is not common. It was not an easy case. In my case, I had to travel from Europe to Korea, and the cost of transporting horses was not easy. To transport horses requires an air container, which costs more than 40 million won round trip. I came to Korea with the help of a difficulty, but I will work hard with the mindset that I will be selected. It is known that there is no place in Korea that supports equestrian athletes after the Yu-ra incident. I started my career in Europe right after the 2014 Incheon Asian Games,
However, when I returned home to participate in the National Sports Festival or major competitions, I could feel indirectly that it had become really difficult to ride horses in Korea. The difficulty seemed to be 일본경마사이트 greater than expected. In Europe, I tried to get sponsorships from Korean companies for activities, but it was not easy. The difference that I felt that the domestic situation was not easy was that when looking at horses playing in Korea, they were not much different from the past. Still, when the domestic equestrian situation was okay, horses bought from Europe and good horses came in. However, the horses that played during the 2014 Asian Games are not circulating and are leaving the country as it is. If companies and others apply, I think that a better equestrian environment and horseback riding culture will be created. Do players feel the absence of the association from the perspective of the players? Of course, it is an important point, but when the association is not operating normally,
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Money and parents are great, » she said, naturally drawing comparisons between her and her. In fact, such circumstances were not supported by her. She lost her father at 18 and went to Jeju Island after graduating from high school even though she was born in Seoul. She had a hard time in and out of Seoul for the past two years. Then she came to 일본경마사이트 see a horse that she met in Jeju. She got a job at a ranch, and she met people in the horse industry and belatedly got into a massage department at Seorabeol University. Having studied hard, she acquired five qualifications while in college. The Journal of Horse Industry interviewed Kim Han-sol (24), the main character in the news, by phone and e-mail on Thursday.
An image of a sponsor company engraved on the saddle of Jeon Jae-hee. In Europe, horse-riding manufacturers, companies, and equestrian athletes make industrial profits. What is the structure of the horse-riding 일본경마사이트 industry? In Europe, there is a saying that horses generate cash. There is a circular structure in which young horses are produced and trained, and then sold, or bought when young and grown into good horses for resale. There are also cases in which athletes with good horses participate in competitions and produce excellent records, and sell them at high prices. Then is the income of farmhouses okay? I can’t say it uniformly, but they vary widely. It’s like a staple food. When horses are young, they buy them at a relatively cheap price and grow them and sell them again, and as the process repeats, farms also earn some profit. I know that if horses that are reared become a hit, they can make even bigger profits. Auction, which sells young horses, is often held, and horses rotate the economy.
At first, I thought about making a statement in the form of a statement, but I didn’t think it fit the current situation. When I published the statement, I was concerned that another perspective would arise and that it would be controversial. So I wanted to accurately convey only our intentions through the Horse Industry Journal. There are a lo 인터넷경마 t of media reports about the contents of the press conference. Of course, there are some things that are right, but most of them are speculative reports. Such speculative reports are not good for equestrian athletes. The perception of horseback riding itself is bad due to the Choi Soon-sil incident, but speculative reports make it more misunderstood that horse riding is like that in nature. It’s not just about horseback riding, isn’t it.
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What made a Korean athlete go all the way to Europe? I learned it from coach Kim Seung-hwan when I was young, but I came and went to Belgium with Coach Lieben, who I was close to. Europe has a completely 일본경마사이트 different horse riding system from Korea, and because it is the birthplace of horseback riding, I have come here to work there. Since I was young, I thought I should ride horses well in Korea and later advance to Europe. It will not be easy to invest in young athletes from other countries just because they are active in Europe. Didn’t you invest based on their skills and potential? I think he appreciated how hard they worked. After I finished my studies, I really tried hard to ride only horses. When I represented Korea in the Asian Games in Incheon and went to Europe, I realized again that there was a really long way to go. I think they recognized me in the process. As horseback riding is a long-term sport so that a gold medalist in the Rio Olympics equestrian event is 53 years old, I will make an effort to
It may be said that 1.5 billion won is a small amount, but if the company pays it every year, the size of the company should be considerable. The Korea Racing Authority (KRA) is said to be related to horses. Samsung and Hanwha applied because their predecessor liked horseback riding. It would not be easy to be the president of the Korea Equestrian Federation in another company that has nothing to do with horses. « We are athletes. I have no intention of being politically involved. I just 인터넷경마 hope the athletes convey their thoughts in this way. The reason why they asked for an interview was because they are a media company that understands the situation in the horse riding industry more than other media. The athletes’ council will not do any more interviews. The perception that horseback riding is an aristocratic sport has declined a lot, but it is a pity that horseback riding is viewed as bad and criticized due to the Choi Soon-sil incident.
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Reporter Lee Yong-joon = A senior citizen is indispensable for all sports, specific industries and organizations to settle down. A senior citizen, who means a person who has a lot of experience and contribution 일본경마사이트 by working in one job for a long time, lives a life of dedication and sacrifice. Life has been marked by difficulties such as rain, wind, and typhoon, but he is cheerful. He is full of pride, but his mind and thoughts are always open. Staying for a long time does not make anyone a senior citizen. Positive attitude, passion, pride in the path he has taken, and consideration for others. These are the conditions for a senior citizen. In an interview with Jinyoung Kim, the first president of the Busan-Gyeongnam Horse Association, the word that came to mind was « elderogation. » He was not just such an elder, but a real elder. He has 45 years of experience in horseback riding. He has said everything since he went back to his days at the Ttukseom Horse Racing Authority. In addition to the title of head of