Les animaux marins ( en voie de disparition )
Comme tout le monde le sais, certaines espèces marines sont menacées principalement par la pollution qui entraine le réchauffement climatique
I/Les causes de la disparition
A/La chasse
Les baleines sont les principales victimes de la chasse, car elles sont recherchées pour leur chair. Aujourd‘hui, des traités internationaux limitent de façon très stricte la chasse à la baleine.
Mais certains pays continuent la pêche à la baleine sous une condition : Que cette espèce de baleine ne soit pas menacée.
B/Les activités humaines
Les animaux marins sont pris dans des filets de pêches ou dans des hélices de bateau de croisières .La construction d’hôtel en bort de mer peut déranger l’habitat des animaux marins.
C/La captivité
Par contre certains cétacés sont capturés pour être dompté puis exposés dans des centres aquatiques. Ces animaux vivent mal car la captivité, pour eux c’est comme un enlèvement car beaucoup d’entre eux, ont un rôle dans leur bande. Ainsi si on enlève un membre d’un groupe cela bouleverse tout.
Pour les cétacés la capture est un exercice violent. Certain d’entre eux comme les dauphins se noient à cause du stresse. Plus de la moitié des dauphins meurent durant les deux premières années de captivité, l’espérance de vie d’un grand dauphin en captivité est de 20 ans au maximum, aux contraire d’un grand dauphin en liberté qui accède facilement les 45 ans tandis que pour une femelle libre elle atteint facilement les 55 ans.
D/La pollution industrielle
La pollution est plus visible et plus connue, elle est causée par des accidents de navire pétroliers ce qui entraînent les marées noires qui sont de plus en plus visibles .De nombreux bateaux viennent vidée leur déchets dans la mer.
E/Les changements climatiques
Le réchauffement climatique est causé par la pollution. Le réchauffement climatique hausse la température des océans et modifie les courants océaniques. Les animaux marins ne peuvent pas vivre dans de nouvelle conditions.
II/Les principales victimes
A/Le Dugong
Les populations de dugong ( vaches marines ) déclinent dangereusement .Le dugong, ce gros mammifère marin de 500 kg, à la silhouette lourde, est obligé de venir à la surface de l’eau toute les 1 à 4 minutes. Il est victime de la pêche, de la pollution des eaux et des accidents. A cause de certaines croyances hygiènes dans certains pays, le Dugong est tué pour ces vertus magique. Les défenses de Dugong mâles servent à confectionner des colliers ou des fûmes cigarette. A ce jour il ne reste que 70.000 Dugongs. Sur les côtes Africaines, autrefois on pouvait les observés par troupeaux de plusieurs centaines de bêtes, on ne les voit plus maintenant que par dizaines ou même par fois seul.
B/Le Phoque moine
Il fait partie des 6 espèces de mammifères marins les plus menacés au monde. Les phoques sont menacés par la pollution, elle les rend malade et les affaiblie. A cause des pêches il n’a plus assez de nourritures, il est aussi tuer car on l’accuse de manger trop de poisson, ils se font prendre dans des filets que les pêcheurs ont laissé. Il n’en reste environ 500 sur terre.
C/La Baleine Bleue
La pêche a anéantit la population de Baleine bleue, à cause de la surpêche à la baleine. Il en restait encore 200.000 en 1950 tandis qu’en 1980 il n’en restait que 2.000. L’interdiction de sa chasse et la création récente d’un sanctuaire devrai permettre à l’ espèce de se reproduire.
D/Le Beluga
Le béluga est une espèce vulnérable. Il en reste 60.000 à 80.000 bélugas sur la terre. Ils sont menacés par la pollution de la mer par les produits toxiques, cela les rend malades.
L’esturgeon a disparu des côtes d’Europe occidentale, sauf en France ou il est quand même devenu très rare. Plus de 4.000 captures en 1947 et 10 en 1980. Il est regrettable de tuer la femelle pour en extraire les œufs, car cette manière de procéder entraîne la suspension des reproducteurs indispensable à la source de l’espèce. Ces animaux sont menacés par la pollution, les dragages, les barrages et la pêche de sujet trop jeunes .Toutes c’est conditions font que l’esturgeon se raréfie dangereusement et risque même de s’éteindre dans un avenir prochain.
L’hippocampe appeler cheval des mers est menacé. 20 millions d’entre eux sont pêché chaque année. Ils sont aussi vendu vivant comme poisson d’aquarium et on s’en sert comme bibelot ou sécher dans des pendentifs.
Si on ne fait rien pour protéger les océans, certaines espèces marines n’existerons plus d’ici peu.
J’aime les animaux et la nature, nous devons les protéger!
Congratulations on the 4th anniversary of the founding of the Horse Industry Journal and the 19th anniversary of the establishment of the Horse Culture Newspaper for taking the lead in improving and raising 일본경마사이트 the awareness of the horse industry, which has been overly distorted since a series of events in 2016. 2017 is the year when the second five-year comprehensive plan for the development of the horse industry began, and it is becoming a year when we have to overcome the most difficult challenge of recognizing the horse industry. As a crisis is an opportunity, the quick way out of the most difficult misunderstanding is to faithfully do what each organization involved in the horse industry has been given. And it is to properly convey the effort. Therefore, the role of the Horse Industry Journal and the Horse Culture Newspaper as a professional media outlet is very important, and I am deeply grateful that they are fulfilling their duties. The Korean Horse Industry Association is also making continuous efforts
Kang Yong-sik, a former chairman of the Seoul Horse Racing Association (7th-8th), said, « There should have been a full-scale protest when 17 proposals for horse racing innovation came out. In the case of the first emergency committee, the mediation proposal was opposed after a long preparation and review, but the second emergency committee 인터넷경마 was worried because of the short period. It is a tremendous achievement of the emergency committee that the Horse Racing Association canceled the race due to the separate vote on the integrated mountain racing. It is also good that they decided to fight legally.
In addition, the Horse Racing Association and the production organization decided to form a production promotion council to improve the capabilities of domestic horses. Jang Jeong-ki, president of the Inland Producers Association, said, « The agreement was drawn up with the Horse Racing Association in principle rather than in the details 인터넷경마 of the horse racing innovation plan. The Horse Racing Association says not to worry about the decline in the purchase of domestic horses due to the integration of mountainous areas, but in reality, I told Chairman Sei-gwan that there is a great concern about this, and Chairman Hyun instructed him to let them know that the benefits of the purchase of domestic horses are sufficient. » « If the consultative body is formed, it will be able to voice the voices of related organizations, not unilateral promotion of the Horse Racing Association. »
Let’s Run, the head of the medical department of the Korean Horse Racing Association’s Horse Health Center, a senior member of the committee, the head of the judging department, the head of the business department, a veterinary doctor who served as an adjunct professor at his alma mater Seoul National University’s veterinary college, and a horse racing industry expert are striving to cultivate the younger students in academia at the horse racing field in Jeju. Kim Byung-sun, the인터넷경마 head of the Massa Department at Jeju National University, joined the beginning of the Korean horse racing industry at the forefront of the horse racing industry, and is now stepping up efforts to boost demand and cultivate professional manpower to serve as a pick-up water in the educational field. On the afternoon of February 2, he met with Kim Byung-sun, the head of the department at Jeju National University’s Massa Department, and conducted an interview.
As an important system for standardization, the company is in charge of public relations for the successful implementation and settlement of the horse riding ability certification system and strives to improve the 일본경마사이트 correct awareness of the horse industry by using various media tools. In addition, for the first time as a horse-related organization, the company has made efforts to promote the value of the horse industry, which accompanies society, with a meaningful festival of happy companionship of disabled and non-disabled people at Seoul City Hall Plaza. The Korean Language Industry Association is producing a documentary, « Goguryo Horse Route, » to communicate with the public and is constantly searching for the value of the horse industry flowing in the lives of the people through the spread of horseback riding national culture. Efforts to find value as a future strategic industry and growth industry in the new environment of the horse industry are very important. The Korean Language Industry Association
Horses are the only animal that wears shoes. Horses are not just protective equipment, but are directly related to health and racing performance. Now that job creation is the biggest topic, Jangje 일본경마사이트 Temple, an indispensable part of the horse industry, is catching the attention of young people as a promising job. Jangje Temple, which used to be regarded as a difficult, dirty, and dangerous 3D job in the past, is recognized as a special profession in the horse industry. Increasingly, young people are viewing it as a « promising job » that others do not choose. In particular, it is a rare job with only about 80 people currently in Korea due to its specificity. There are 65 Jangje Temple, officially recognized by the Korean Horse Association, and many freelancers are unofficially active in general horseback riding courses. There are only five first-class Jangje Temple in Korea that can find the horse’s painful legs only by the way a horse walks and sounds. It is recognized as a professional with an annual salary
Lee Ja-kyung, who is the youngest 24-year-old Jangjeonsa in Busan and South Gyeongsang Province, learned the job while working part-time at the Let’s Run Culture Sympathy Center in Gwangju. « Although 일본경마사이트 I have a hard time, I have no worries about the future because I have my own skills, » Lee said after dropping out of college. Lee has a dream to become the best Jangjeonsa in Korea. Lee said, « If there is a good technology, there is no job like this. » Lee said, « If you have good technology, you will be able to relieve all fatigue at once when you see horses with horseshoes attached with horseshoes walking comfortably and comfortably after working hard. Until now, Jangjesa has two ways of obtaining a certificate by going through a national qualification exam or a training course for the Korean Horse Association. After passing the national qualification exam, it was possible to ride a horse and acquire a certificate through a training course for the Korean Horse Association. However, only those who pass the
The nation’s youngest, 31-year-old female head of the village was selected as the sixth industrialist by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (Minister Kim Young-rok) in July. The main character who took 일본경마사이트 the lead in generating local income was Kim Mi-sun, CEO of Jirisan Peagol Foods in Gurye-gun, Jeollanam-do, who led the third industrialization of the second processed food business using Jirisan Croaker sap and forest products and attracting visiting experiences using farmhouses and guest houses. She became a representative of traditional fermented foods at the young age of 31 because of her passion for fermented foods. During her college years, she continued her studies by visiting fermentation sites and artisans nationwide, and after graduating from college, she led the growth of Jirisan Peagol Foods, achieving the feat of supplying Korean restaurants to top-class hotels and entering the U.S. market. She also succeeded in making the signature product of Jirisan Peagol Food, « Gorisoo, »
To this end, the government should systematically perform transition and use systematically and restrictively, which is not used by Gubo or external riders, such as the Crane Horse Club in Japan. Although there is a need for professional horseback riding that has been fitted and trained from an early age, Korea still does not have a system for horse riding. http://horsesite77.com The system of training is limited to racehorses. In order to properly ride horses in the future, a system of training for horseback riding should be established, so I think it is a good policy for the government to set up a training center for horseback riding. It should also take the lead in fostering professional manpower. High schools are basic human resources, and only after entering a university are trained as professional human resources, but there is no place specializing in horse riding and training.
By researching and developing traditional processing methods by sticking to top-notch domestic ingredients, it succeeded in a variety of processed products such as « Cheonggukjang without smell » and 일본경마사이트 « Jirisan Pickle. » In addition, due to its strict hygiene, it has acquired HACCP certification for traditional fermented foods, which is rare in the industry, and is establishing itself in the luxury market as a young brand called Piagol Miseon. CEO Kim, who became the nation’s youngest female head of Piagol food at the recommendation of the elderly in the village, is currently gaining trust in the village as a third-term head of the village by returning the profits of Jirisan Piagol food to the region and creating added value again. In addition, Piagol Miseon sells local agricultural products to its own shopping mall or conducts online and offline sales agencies to promote win-win with local residents. Combined with local farmhouse restaurants and lodging facilities, it plays a big role in attracting local
As a result, sales of 300 million won in 2013 increased to 500 million won in 2016, and the number of visitors to the event more than doubled to 20,000. The number of farm households contracted to grow has also 일본경마사이트 increased from six to 20. « The best marketing is to take out your own items and bump into each other directly, » said Kim Mi-sun, who said she takes care of local market events or department stores and examines the market’s response. « The increased number of customers will become my customers. » Kim aims to build educational facilities to help young farmers succeed and establish a « fermented food theme park » in Piagol. In order to achieve her dream, she is also focusing on increasing production and expanding it to distribution channels such as food service and export to the U.S. market. « Kim Mi-sun, CEO of Jiri Mountain Pia Gol Food, is taking the lead in the success of businesses and revitalization of the local economy based on product development and active marketing using local specialty products, »
In particular, he advised the implementation body and the Seoul Horse Racing Association to use the horse racing development committee or the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, which was legislated in the past, saying that they were fighting an emotional fight over the wrong thing. « We cannot confront the pressure that cannot exist in the horse racing and single horse racing unless it is an emergency measure, » said Chun Byung-deuk, chairman of the emergency committee, and stressed, » 인터넷경마 We have an effective way to reduce the after-effects. We will make the horse racing stand in the negotiation table even if we set up a horse racing. » While the new emergency committee of the Seoul Horse Racing Association announced the full-scale veto of the participation vote, the majority of the opponents, including the former presidents who attended the joint meeting, showed a cautious attitude rather than talking about premature pros and cons.
There are many places where horse-making education is conducted like a rehabilitation horse riding, but there is no place where horse-making education is conducted. Therefore, the Martha’s Faculty of Jeju National University focuses on horse-making education and training professional manpower. Production, fostering, and training in the
인터넷경마 horse industry serve as the ‘back’ of the horse industry. Just as a tree needs strong roots to be healthy, it is necessary to develop the fields of production, fostering, and training, which are the basics of the horse industry. The Martha’s Faculty of Jeju National University, which consists of two departments, the Department of Horse Resources and the Department of Martha’s, includes training practice and training courses in the entire first to fourth grades. It is not just learning theories such as pregnancy, imprinting, and molting, but provides education that can increase added value through practical training in stages on technical training.
I’ve been getting good grades these days, and I’ve been lucky like this, but I’m always trying to take a step further with the determination not to lose my initial commitment. I was in the best condition of « Normal 일본경마사이트 of Light, » but I was so nervous that I broke out in a cold sweat when I saw my stubbornness during the business trip. I’m so glad that the result was good. In the past, I mainly tried to do preceding operations, but this time I prepared a follow-up operation as the distance increased. In the remaining Queens tours, as long as I can be in good condition, I will throw all the challenges. As I rode the « Normal of Light » for the first time, I saw that I was competitive enough in the mare race and had the ability to overwhelm the Busan horse. In the past, I was sensitive, such as not trusting the rider easily and running away with excitement, but I felt that I adapted the most calmly this time while working together for about three times. I trained comfortably without fighting a lot, and I thought I
A hopeful new morning has dawned in the year of the 2018 戊戌. A new beginning brings us hope and expectation, and ignites challenges and passion. I wish you all good health and happiness in the new year. I would like to express my deep gratitude to the farmers and rural public officials who have wisely overcome the challenges faced in agriculture and 일본경마사이트 rural areas over the past year, including drought, hail, and avian influenza (AI). This year, our agricultural and rural communities are facing major changes and challenges, including the expansion of market opening, climate change, and aging, including FTAs. A huge wave of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which brings about innovative changes in the national system, society, and life in general, is also coming in. However, these changes and challenges can be new opportunities, depending on how we accept and utilize them. Seungpung-blue (乘風破浪). Boo should not shrink and prepare more boldly for the future in times of difficulty, such as an idiom that means to go
A hopeful new morning has dawned in the year of the 2018 戊戌. A new beginning brings us hope and expectation, and ignites challenges and passion. I wish you all good health and happiness in the new year 일본경마사이트 . I would like to express my deep gratitude to the farmers and rural public officials who have wisely overcome the challenges faced in agriculture and rural areas over the past year, including drought, hail, and avian influenza (AI). This year, our agricultural and rural communities are facing major changes and challenges, including the expansion of market opening, climate change, and aging, including FTAs. A huge wave of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which brings about innovative changes in the national system, society, and life in general, is also coming in. However, these changes and challenges can be new opportunities, depending on how we accept and utilize them. Seungpung-blue (乘風破浪). Boo should not shrink and prepare more boldly for the future in times of difficulty, such as an idiom that means to go
In the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution, the Rural Development Administration will pursue rural development projects with a focus on the following four points: field-oriented and customer-oriented, 일본경마사이트 which provide a strong boost to customers, in order to find answers at the level of farmers and the public for the sustainable growth of the agricultural industry through technological innovation and the leap forward of agriculture. First, we will strive for stable food production, such as stabilizing the supply and demand of rice, and safe food production for the people. We will expand the production base of rice suitable and field crops through the cultivation of field crops using rice fields and the development of mechanized field agriculture technology, and promote rice consumption by revitalizing the processing industry, such as the development of varieties and processed foods exclusively for rice flour. While developing varieties and cultivation technologies that can adapt to climate change such as
In particular, in preparation for the full implementation of the Pesticide Allowance List Management System (PLS), we will expand the ex officio registration of pesticides and actively promote education on the safe 일본경마사이트 production of agricultural products and the safe use of pesticides to prevent damage to farmers. Second, we will secure future growth engines for our agricultural industry and lead job creation by integrating the 4th Industrial Revolution convergence technology. We will lead the innovative growth of our agriculture by spreading Korean smart farms that can improve productivity and quality and reduce labor. To this end, we will develop precision growth management software by combining technology standardization of smart farms, technologies of the 4th Industrial Revolution such as big data and artificial intelligence with agriculture, and we will create a smart agricultural ecosystem by fostering more than 100 smart agricultural experts every year. In order to actively foster the seed industry and
We will develop high value-added functional materials such as food and medicine using agricultural and livestock products such as insects, while strengthening R&D so that urban agriculture and healing 일본경마사이트 agriculture can spread into our lives, contributing to the improvement of public health and quality of life, and leading to job creation. Third, we will strengthen the competitiveness of our agriculture and expand global technological cooperation in response to market opening such as FTAs. In order to discover new demand and establish an export base, we will continue to foster excellent varieties to expand their supply, and secure the competitiveness of our agricultural and livestock products by improving the quality and productivity of livestock products, and expanding the sustainable eco-friendly livestock base such as animal welfare technology. We developed the world’s first mini-antibody (3D8) protein last year that inhibits the growth of low-pathogenic avian influenza (AI),
In order to expand the export of fresh agricultural products, we will support difficult technologies in the field, such as leading maintenance technologies after harvest, and make efforts to transfer customized 일본경마사이트 agricultural technologies to developing countries as well as strategic cooperation with advanced agricultural countries. Fourth, for balanced national development, we will focus on fostering regional specialized industries and fostering agricultural manpower, the future of rural areas. By linking local resources and agricultural products with the secondary and tertiary industries such as processing, distribution, experience, and tourism, we will develop them into the sixth industry to create new added value. We will contribute to balanced national development by revitalizing the local economy and creating jobs by promoting « Innovative City Season 2″ in earnest in line with the relocation of public institutions to the provinces. We will actively foster young farmers who will lead the revitalization of
The year 2018 is the Year of the Golden Dog. Dogs are regarded as another family as the friendliest pets to humans. With such friendliness of dogs, public officials in rural areas will get closer to farmers 일본경마사이트 and the people and listen to and practice the voices on the ground. We will continue to innovate the way we work to establish an organizational culture that values the field and customers. We will strengthen our communication with the field by thinking from the perspective of farmers and the people and reflecting the voices of consumers from the planning stage of the project. This year, the Winter Olympics, a global festival, will be held in Pyeongchang, Korea. In preparation for the Olympics, we will actively support farmers and the people to participate in the Olympics by thoroughly preventing livestock diseases such as AI and strengthening technical support for improving the livestock environment such as odor. Rural development officials across the country! You will all remember that the birth of
My fellow Koreans and my dear employees of the Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Quarantine Headquarters, the new year of 2018 has dawned full of hope. Last year, I would like to express my gratitude to the 일본경마사이트 employees of the Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Quarantine Headquarters for their service in their respective positions despite difficult conditions such as the outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease, the outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza, and the first discovery of an ant from a foreign country. The new year is the Year of the Golden Dog. Dogs are both a symbol of bravery and wisdom, and they are companions who have been with people for the longest time. The quarantine headquarters will also approach the people one step closer and become a partner to empathize and communicate with them. Despite many difficult conditions last year, the quarantine headquarters has produced excellent results based on its accumulated expertise and know-how. As an illustration,
Vice Agriculture Minister Yeo In-hong, who will give an invitation lecture, called for the government’s policy and the role of local governments in the horse industry under the theme of « Creative Convergence and Development of the Horse Industry and the Tourism and Leisure Industry. » Vice Minister Yeo, who plays a key role in the domestic horse industry
policy, emphasized that although the start of the domestic horse industry is a little later than that of the U.S. and Japan, the government is actively implementing policies to foster the horse industry as a creative industry, such as enacting the Industry Promotion Act at the end of 2011. In addition, Vice Minister Yeo also suggested the possibility and direction of the horse industry to grow into the core of the creative convergence industry linked to leisure, sports, and tourism, not primary and secondary industries.
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In particular, it said that even though horse racing sales have increased since 2002, the downturn has continued, and the number of horse racing population has also been reorganized mainly by enthusiasts due to a sharp drop in new customers, resulting in a decrease of 42% in 10 years. An official from the Korea Racing Authority said, « As Korean horses인터넷경마 continue to increase the number of release days, the quality of racing has deteriorated due to the expansion of the race supply, and the decline in the quality of racing has led to the departure of horse racing fans, which has led to a decrease in demand for horse racing, resulting in a drop in business performance of the horse racing society, which eventually leads to a vicious cycle of expanding the race supply again, » explaining the background of the race system reform.
In other words, the government intends to abolish the upper limit on the introduction of foreign horses and thoroughly restrict the number of foreign horses operating so that they do not turn a blind eye to domestic horses that are lagging behind due to the implementation of integrated mountain racing and the introduction of a rating system. Horse racing 인터넷경마 markets are also expected to open. Europe and the U.S., where horse racing occurred naturally, are widely opening the market, and Asia is also expanding their opening. In the case of Hong Kong, face-to-face registration is possible without limiting nationality, and Japan is also operating foreign horses with a certain qualification. The Horse Racing Authority plans to set the opening ratio in stages through performance analysis after piloting about 15 people, 2% of the current horse racing operation, and then gradually setting the opening ratio through performance analysis.
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In addition, it contributed to the early end of foot-and-mouth disease by developing the world’s first simple antigen diagnosis kit for three types of foot-and-mouth disease (O, A, and Asia 1) and applying it to the field. 일본경마사이트 In addition, in August, through the reorganization of the quarantine organization, the quarantine monitoring department and the avian influenza research team, which oversees livestock quarantine, were established to strengthen their expertise in comprehensive response to livestock diseases and research and diagnosis of avian influenza. Since the first outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N6) in Gochang, Jeollabuk-do on November 17, it has occurred in Yeongam, Jeollanam-do, and Jeongeup, Jeollabuk-do, causing concern to livestock farmers and the public, but with a sense of mission to eradicate it as soon as possible, we have made efforts to prevent further spread of the disease and to end it early through rapid precision diagnosis and epidemiological investigations.
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In addition, through active quarantine negotiations with export partners, fresh agricultural products such as pears and tomatoes were exported to South America for the first time. In April last year, the 12th International Convention on the Protection of Plants (IPPC) was successfully held in Songdo, Incheon, where 360 national representatives from around 일본경마사이트 the world participated in plant quarantine. In addition, various communication channels were set up for the development of the animal medicine industry, including on-site meetings, workshops, and regular operation of visiting civil service counseling centers, and reduced the euthanasia rate of abandoned animals by improving the animal protection promotion and animal protection center operation system. As such, last year, the quarantine headquarters has been working tirelessly to create a « healthy livestock environment for animals and people » based on the efforts of all employees and to realize a « border quarantine that protects the agricultural industry
Employees of the Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Quarantine Headquarters and the people who care about the Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Quarantine Headquarters! The role and duties of the quarantine 일본경마사이트 headquarters are becoming increasingly serious due to the global spread of national disaster-type livestock infectious diseases and high-risk plant pests and the increasing likelihood of entry into Korea, the continuous emergence of new and mutant animal diseases, the increasing demand for field problem-solving research, and the increasing public expectations for agricultural and livestock safety. As a national standard quarantine and quarantine agency, the Agriculture, Forestry and Livestock Quarantine Headquarters will work as one body and act as a watchman to defend against the risk of livestock diseases and plant pests at the forefront this year. To this end, the quarantine headquarters aims to focus on the core values of ‘One-Health, field-oriented, communication cooperation, future response,
We will make all-out efforts to ensure that the highly pathogenic avian influenza, which is currently occurring intermittently in duck farms, does not spread and ends early. Scientific epidemiological analysis 일본경마사이트 based on information and communication technology such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and big data will enable preemptive and effective quarantine management. In order to prevent the recurrence of foot-and-mouth disease, we will try to achieve the goal of purifying foot-and-mouth disease by maintaining the positive rate of lean meat antibodies at more than 70%, and establishing a regular quarantine system centered on the site. In addition, we will strengthen the foundation for plant quarantine by making it mandatory to report diseases and expand inspection personnel to detect and quickly control high-risk foreign pests such as foreign red fire ants, establish a nationwide forecasting network, and establish a forecasting control center. In addition, we will advance the management of plant diseases and
An official of the National Agricultural Cooperative Federation explained, « The development plan calls for Nonghyup to challenge its goals by 2016 such as creating a domestic horse meat market and establishing a cooperative-centered rural equestrian industry base. » (Caption) On the 26th, an on-site discussion of Nonghyup’s horse industry and the launch ceremony of the horse meat brand business group was held at Lotte City Hotel on Jeju Island. (Caption) At the horse industry field인터넷경마 discussion, experts in administration, industry, and academia related to the horse industry discussed the direction of developmental industrialization. At the meeting, the Horse Association said that the Korean horse race has been on the verge of being pardoned due to the government, the media that consistently reports on the Korean dry food industry, the people with negative views, and the growth of the legal competition industry, and that it is working on ways to strengthen its competitiveness to overcome it.
Second, we will establish a scientific foundation and a preventive import risk analysis and an efficient border quarantine foundation for a clean Korea. To prevent the influx of overseas malignant livestock 일본경마사이트 infectious diseases and plant pests, we will thoroughly conduct border quarantine at the airport. In particular, we will do our best to prevent the inflow of diseases by proactively responding to African swine fever, which is a foreign livestock infectious disease, monitor and inspect all countries at risk of entry, and strengthen foot-and-mouth disease/AI tests and plant pest quarantine on imported portable agricultural and livestock products. In the field of plant quarantine, we will establish a comprehensive safety management system that encompasses safety management of diseases, pests, and LMOs overseas, border-oriented, and domestic quarantine. We will come up with a plan to allow imports of high-risk reproductive plants after lowering the risk of pests in the other country,
Fourth, we will make every effort to improve the quality of animal medicines and to promote animal welfare by establishing a mature pet culture where people and animals coexist. In order to improve the quality 일본경마사이트 of animal medicines, we will provide consumer satisfaction-oriented administrative services through fair and prompt civil complaints, and strengthen the competitiveness of animal pharmacists by enhancing differential quality control through selection and concentration. In addition, in order to revitalize the distribution of high-quality and ethical livestock products, we will expand the certification of welfare farms to implement an animal welfare certification system that consumers trust and animals are happy. We will consider establishing a special judicial police to strengthen animal protection functions and revitalize the animal registration system. We will do our best to realize One Selfcare where animals and people’s welfare work together by strengthening cooperation with relevant organizations
First of all, we considered stabilizing rice prices as the first step in restoring confidence in the agricultural government, and after close communication with farmers’ organizations and related ministries, 일본경마사이트 we decided early on a plan for the harvest season to isolate 720,000 tons, the largest amount ever, from the market. As a result, the price of rice, which had remained at the level of 20 years ago, exceeded 150,000 won immediately after the announcement of the measure, and has been continuously on the rise so far. The purchase price of public rice and market-quarantined grain from 2017 increased by 19% compared to the previous year, and the purchase price of 52,570 won per 40 kg bag of rice was completed by the end of the year. In addition, 50,000 tons of Korean rice will be provided to developing countries starting this year after completing the domestic process to join the Food Aid Convention. The Republic of Korea, once a recipient of food aid, has become a country that contributes to global food
The inclusion of horse meat in Nonghyup’s distribution network and restaurant line, which have already established themselves as cattle and pork, will encourage horse meat to enter the market and will seek to standardize products by establishing specifications management manuals such as developing feed exclusively for horses. The Beef Horse Racing 인터넷경마 Team, which will be promoted in earnest based on the Seogwipo Livestock Cooperative Federation next year, was also launched on the same day, kicking off these initiatives. The new name and brand of the meat will be unveiled as early as this month, raising expectations for the effectiveness of the special zone. The second task is to establish a foundation for the rural equestrian industry centered on cooperatives. The detailed task was to establish a horse industry support center in Jeju and foster key personnel and leading members of the union through education.
In response to the severe drought last year, the government has drawn up an extra budget for water system connection and water development, and has come up with comprehensive measures to cope with the 일본경마사이트 drought across the government. In addition, in order to alleviate the difficulty of recovering from the disaster, the unit cost of support for 20 items including the large number of green onions and pesticide units, which are in high demand on the site, has been tripled. Conflicts surrounding the agricultural sector have been resolved. The issue of refund of the preferential payment for rice from 2016 was resolved smoothly by continuous dialogue with farmers’ organizations. The issue of over-the-counter sales centers in Yongsan and Daejeon, which had long been in sharp conflict with the local community, was also decided to relocate through social compromise. There was also a crisis situation. When red fire ants were discovered, the situation could be resolved early through emergency quarantine measures.
Kim Jong-soo, CEO of a farming corporation, contributes to boosting the local economy by increasing income for selected farmers, exploring and experiencing consumption markets in June. Reporter Lee Yong-joon = Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (hereinafter referred to as the « Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs ») announced in June 일본경마사이트 that it selected Kim Jong-soo, CEO of Donbak, an agricultural corporation based in Miryang, Gyeongsangnam-do, as a rural convergence industry worker. The Ministry of Agriculture and Food has selected excellent management companies in the rural convergence industry every month that create various added values through production (1st), manufacturing and processing (2nd) and services such as distribution, experience, and tourism (3rd) in the agricultural sector. Kim Jong-soo, CEO of a farming corporation, has found a breakthrough by developing processing technology that can maintain high quality in a crisis situation that is threatened by low-cost lotus roots from
Currently, 12 farms produce lotus roots, and last year, they supply about 400 tons of lotus roots, which is gaining the effect of killing two birds with one stone by securing stable raw materials and increasing the 일본경마사이트 income of local farms. Donbak Co., Ltd. is completely equipped with HACCP-certified processing and freezing facilities to produce a variety of safe processed foods such as lotus root tea, fried lotus root powder, and lotus root vegetables. In addition, it has signed a contract to supply 220 tons of « steamed frozen lotus root » annually with a large retailer this year with state-of-the-art facilities (washing machine, roasting machine, slicing machine, and dryer) that can process 1,500 tons of lotus root annually. CEO Kim Jong-soo introduced high-quality lotus root processing products that differentiate them from existing lotus root products, and in particular, « steamed frozen lotus root » is receiving great response from consumers because it contains no additives and is easy to cook. Donbak Co.
The 20-ri Dulegil, which was created along the lotus flower road, is adjacent to Miryang Theater Village, Experience Center, and Lotus Complex, which attracted more than 100,000 visitors last year. Choi Bong 일본경마사이트 -soon, head of the rural industry division at the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, said, « Donbak, an agricultural corporation, is contributing to increasing the income of farmers and developing new consumer markets based on special lotus processing technology, » adding, « The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs will continue to support and foster excellent management organizations in the rural convergence industry that contribute to revitalizing the local economy by utilizing agricultural and rural resources. » In June, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs selected Kim Jong-soo, CEO of the agricultural corporation. CEO Kim Jong-soo is contributing to revitalizing the local economy by increasing farmers’ income and creating jobs for local residents by developing
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[Horse Industry Journal] Reporter Lee Yong-joon = Kim Byung-hong, who has consistently voiced his opinions on pending issues in the horse racing industry, such as the abolition of double taxation on horse racing 일본경마사이트 , the permitting of constitutional complaints and the increase in the Internet betting legislation, and the increase in the refund rate, expressed his position on May 31 on the situation of the strike at Pukyong. « The KCTU should leave the Pukyong racetrack through free competition, but paying attention to income distribution is not appropriate for the horse racing system at all, » said CEO Kim Byung-hong in an article titled « The fairness of horse racing is achieved through free competition. First of all, regarding the indefinite strike by the Busan Gyeongnam Horse Racing Park branch of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions’ public transportation union and the Busan Gyeongnam Horse Racing Management Workers’ Union, CEO Kim Byung-hong said, « Don’t incite people for their own benefit by encouraging
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Regarding the strike, he said, « Even if it is the right of the KCTU, we should know that horse racing is a completely different industry from other manufacturing and service industries, » stressing that focusing only 일본경마사이트 on income distribution rather than competition does not match the horse racing system, leaving behind the fairness of horse racing through free competition. Since last year, KCTU officials have been stationed at the Busan Gyeongnam Horse Racing Park (Let’s Run Park Pukyong) and are aware of the fact that they have influenced many people, and the KCTU, the top organization representing the union, said, « At this point, there is only one thing that KCTU officials should do. » Pitying the situation where no horse racing officials claim to raise the refund rate, and it is unclear whether or not it will change even if everyone is at the forefront of raising the refund rate, he said, « I think one thing is to persuade and fight the National Assembly and the government so that the world’s worst domestic
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Regarding the strike, he said, « Even if it is the right of the KCTU, we should know that horse racing is a completely different industry from other manufacturing and service industries, » stressing that focusing only on income distribution rather than competition does not match the horse racing system, leaving behind the fairness of horse racing through free 일본경마사이트 competition. Since last year, KCTU officials have been stationed at the Busan Gyeongnam Horse Racing Park (Let’s Run Park Pukyong) and are aware of the fact that they have influenced many people, and the KCTU, the top organization representing the union, said, « At this point, there is only one thing that KCTU officials should do. » Pitying the situation where no horse racing officials claim to raise the refund rate, and it is unclear whether or not it will change even if everyone is at the forefront of raising the refund rate, he said, « I think one thing is to persuade and fight the National Assembly and the government so that the world’s worst domestic
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From an objective and common sense point of view, the current strike is an « unreasonable demand » by the KCTU and a « bulldozer-style Monkey struggle » that is « acting as a bad mother-in-law who 일본경마사이트 worsens the situation. » In particular, as CEO Kim Byung-hong insisted on the struggle to raise the refund rate, it would have been nice if the KCTU and the union had emphasized the requirements of customers and fans, such as online betting and real-time broadcasting, abolition of admission fees and parking fees. « I hope that the horse society will not be swayed by or give in to brinkmanship but push ahead with its principles. » Meanwhile, Kim Byung-hong, a representative of people who like horse racing, will have a talk at the Let’s Run Park Bugyeong on Sunday, June 10, under the theme of « horse racing industry from the perspective of horse racing and customers » with Shin Woo-chul, Busan and Gyeongnam horse racing. The team of the Horse Industry Journal plans to plan and cover this talk as a special feature
I would like to thank the horse who supported me, the rider who rode well, and the horse-riding family who worked hard. Above all, I want to thank the horse who ran well. Since the opponents who were so experienced and powerful participated in the competition, I discussed a lot with the horse-riding family to find a way to make up for their 일본경마사이트 weaknesses. In particular, I asked rider Song Jae-cheol to endure it until the middle and push it hard at the last minute, but he ran the race so calmly like an old man, resulting in good results. I plan to prepare for the future after completing sufficient preparations according to my horse’s health.