Les animaux marins ( en voie de disparition )
Comme tout le monde le sais, certaines espèces marines sont menacées principalement par la pollution qui entraine le réchauffement climatique
I/Les causes de la disparition
A/La chasse
Les baleines sont les principales victimes de la chasse, car elles sont recherchées pour leur chair. Aujourd‘hui, des traités internationaux limitent de façon très stricte la chasse à la baleine.
Mais certains pays continuent la pêche à la baleine sous une condition : Que cette espèce de baleine ne soit pas menacée.
B/Les activités humaines
Les animaux marins sont pris dans des filets de pêches ou dans des hélices de bateau de croisières .La construction d’hôtel en bort de mer peut déranger l’habitat des animaux marins.
C/La captivité
Par contre certains cétacés sont capturés pour être dompté puis exposés dans des centres aquatiques. Ces animaux vivent mal car la captivité, pour eux c’est comme un enlèvement car beaucoup d’entre eux, ont un rôle dans leur bande. Ainsi si on enlève un membre d’un groupe cela bouleverse tout.
Pour les cétacés la capture est un exercice violent. Certain d’entre eux comme les dauphins se noient à cause du stresse. Plus de la moitié des dauphins meurent durant les deux premières années de captivité, l’espérance de vie d’un grand dauphin en captivité est de 20 ans au maximum, aux contraire d’un grand dauphin en liberté qui accède facilement les 45 ans tandis que pour une femelle libre elle atteint facilement les 55 ans.
D/La pollution industrielle
La pollution est plus visible et plus connue, elle est causée par des accidents de navire pétroliers ce qui entraînent les marées noires qui sont de plus en plus visibles .De nombreux bateaux viennent vidée leur déchets dans la mer.
E/Les changements climatiques
Le réchauffement climatique est causé par la pollution. Le réchauffement climatique hausse la température des océans et modifie les courants océaniques. Les animaux marins ne peuvent pas vivre dans de nouvelle conditions.
II/Les principales victimes
A/Le Dugong
Les populations de dugong ( vaches marines ) déclinent dangereusement .Le dugong, ce gros mammifère marin de 500 kg, à la silhouette lourde, est obligé de venir à la surface de l’eau toute les 1 à 4 minutes. Il est victime de la pêche, de la pollution des eaux et des accidents. A cause de certaines croyances hygiènes dans certains pays, le Dugong est tué pour ces vertus magique. Les défenses de Dugong mâles servent à confectionner des colliers ou des fûmes cigarette. A ce jour il ne reste que 70.000 Dugongs. Sur les côtes Africaines, autrefois on pouvait les observés par troupeaux de plusieurs centaines de bêtes, on ne les voit plus maintenant que par dizaines ou même par fois seul.
B/Le Phoque moine
Il fait partie des 6 espèces de mammifères marins les plus menacés au monde. Les phoques sont menacés par la pollution, elle les rend malade et les affaiblie. A cause des pêches il n’a plus assez de nourritures, il est aussi tuer car on l’accuse de manger trop de poisson, ils se font prendre dans des filets que les pêcheurs ont laissé. Il n’en reste environ 500 sur terre.
C/La Baleine Bleue
La pêche a anéantit la population de Baleine bleue, à cause de la surpêche à la baleine. Il en restait encore 200.000 en 1950 tandis qu’en 1980 il n’en restait que 2.000. L’interdiction de sa chasse et la création récente d’un sanctuaire devrai permettre à l’ espèce de se reproduire.
D/Le Beluga
Le béluga est une espèce vulnérable. Il en reste 60.000 à 80.000 bélugas sur la terre. Ils sont menacés par la pollution de la mer par les produits toxiques, cela les rend malades.
L’esturgeon a disparu des côtes d’Europe occidentale, sauf en France ou il est quand même devenu très rare. Plus de 4.000 captures en 1947 et 10 en 1980. Il est regrettable de tuer la femelle pour en extraire les œufs, car cette manière de procéder entraîne la suspension des reproducteurs indispensable à la source de l’espèce. Ces animaux sont menacés par la pollution, les dragages, les barrages et la pêche de sujet trop jeunes .Toutes c’est conditions font que l’esturgeon se raréfie dangereusement et risque même de s’éteindre dans un avenir prochain.
L’hippocampe appeler cheval des mers est menacé. 20 millions d’entre eux sont pêché chaque année. Ils sont aussi vendu vivant comme poisson d’aquarium et on s’en sert comme bibelot ou sécher dans des pendentifs.
Si on ne fait rien pour protéger les océans, certaines espèces marines n’existerons plus d’ici peu.
J’aime les animaux et la nature, nous devons les protéger!
On the 13th, the Korea Racing Authority, which conducted key personnel appointments in the second half of the year, including the head of the illegal horse racing control headquarters and the regional center head 일본경마사이트 on September 6, appointed Kim Jong-kook, former head of the Fair Racing Authority, as the new acting head of the horse racing headquarters. Kim Jong-guk, acting head of the horse racing headquarters, graduated from the University of Seoul Department of Public Administration, received a master’s degree from the University of Seoul Business School, and obtained a doctorate in sports and cultural welfare policy from the Seoul National University of Science and Technology in August. During his 30 years in the Korean Racing Authority, he has studied customer service expansion, Internet betting business, gambling industry regulations, and illegal gambling industry issues. Service team leader, head of the horse racing management department. He served as the general affairs management department, business
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Since the 2007 Sea Story incident, various policy reports related to the comprehensive plan for the sound development of the gambling industry have also been published. In August, he obtained a doctorate degree in policy studies with « Study on the Process of Policy Changes in Policy Regulation Policy by Policy Network Model » and is drawing attention 일본경마사이트 as the country’s No. 1 research authority for the gambling industry. Acting head of the horse racing headquarters, Kim Jong-kook, who consistently contributes to illegal gambling industry issues in this paper, is currently preparing to publish after finishing writing « Understanding the Horse Industry » as a textbook related to the horse industry. At a recent conference hosted by the Lottery Association Cooperative, he also presented a study on the regulation of the domestic gambling industry and a survey analysis of the horse racing industry.Last year, he contributed six papers to academic journals registered by the Korea Research Foundation, including
Three years is a long time or a short time, but you must have understood Korean horse racing by seeing, hearing, and feeling it on the front lines of Korean horse racing. In addition, his performance, which is currently ranked at the top of the assistant teacher’s ranking at Let’s Run Park Pukyong, is proof that he is already familiar with 일본경마사이트
Korean horse racing. Now, he is a member who is making a new history of Korean horse racing beyond just a foreign assistant teacher, and he seemed to have affection for Korean horse racing. I check the current address of Korean horse racing from the perspective of Thomas, a foreign assistant teacher. The reason I entered Korea was because I had a foreign acquaintance among the racehorse producers in Jeju, and I visited Korea through their introduction. They said that Korean horse racing is currently developing a lot and the future prospects are bright. So I visited Korea for an interview, and when I came in person, I liked all the facilities and conditions. And I was
If anything, there are some differences between them. In Europe and Malaysia, there are many races on grass besides sand. Korea still does not have grass. The difference is the difference. There are also 일본경마사이트 some differences in racing style. In Korea, there are many attempts to take the lead in the early stages of the race. I try to be ahead of myself if possible. However, in Europe, there are various styles such as chuipma and free horse that are hit from the rear rather than the style of a preceding horse. The reason why I made my relationship with a horse is that my family has a deep relationship with horses. My grandfather and father worked as assistants in Ireland, and other family members have jobs related to horses, such as assistants and jockeys. I have actually been an assistant teacher since I debuted in Malaysia in 2010, but I have been living with horses for quite a long time. I have been an assistant teacher in Korea for three years. What I feel is that Korean horse racing has developed a lot.
What is especially encouraging is that excellent foreign seed horses are being introduced. Recently, the Korean Horse Association and racehorse producers are introducing excellent seed horses from the United States to Korea, which will greatly contribute to the development of Korean horse racing. As the number of good horses increases i 일본경마사이트 n pedigree, good performance can be expected. What changes do you think should be made in order for Korean horse racing to develop into a healthy leisure sport like Ireland? Also, how do foreigners actually view horse racing? Recently, the composition of people visiting the horse racing park has diversified from horse racing fans who enjoy horse racing to family customers with young children, to young people who come to play with lovers and friends. I think it is now a process of transforming into a healthy leisure sport. In order to bring about a bigger change in the process, it is also necessary to use horses for the general public to see and enjoy rather than focusing on
In most foreign countries, playing gambling, in which people match the results of the race by betting, is also enjoyed as a leisure. It is common for people to bet lightly even if they visit the racetrack with their families for weekend outings. Currently, the Korean Horse Association seems to be doing well to strengthen their competitiveness. For example 일본경마사이트 , international competitions such as the ‘Korea Cup’ are held in Korea, or excellent racehorses from Korea are sent to Dubai and Singapore. If you increase your contact with international horse racing in this way, you have a good chance. First of all, I am sorry about the recent horse management incident in Let’s Run Park Busan and Gyeongnam. The working hours of foreign horse management are almost the same as in Korea. However, the treatment of Korean horse management is decent in that they receive a certain portion of the prize money. Some European countries, such as Ireland, also have regulations that a portion of the prize money should be paid,
However, Busan seems to be more competitive because Let’s Run Park Seoul operates horse shops at the association level, and Let’s Run Park Bukyung operates private horse shops. Mostly, Seoul feels small and tight, while Busan feels mainly with a big straight line. There is no special secret. Luckily, I met good people around me and 일본경마사이트 horse managers. If the secret is meeting good people who help me a lot, it seems to be the secret. Our group uses Irish fodder called « Red Mill, » and I personally like it. There is no special difference in teaching style from other groups. However, they are constantly teaching assistant. In the case of other Korean assistants, they take a two-week break or have an assistant at certain intervals, but in our Mabang, they are teaching assistant immediately after two or three days. I think I get less injured than doing excessive training in a short time before the race because I keep teaching assistant. These days, assistant teachers Kim Young-kwan, Baek Kwang-yeol, and Ahn Woo-sung
However, Busan seems to be more competitive because Let’s Run Park Seoul operates horse shops at the association level, and Let’s Run Park Bukyung operates private horse shops. Mostly, Seoul feels 일본경마사이트 small and tight, while Busan feels mainly with a big straight line. There is no special secret. Luckily, I met good people around me and horse managers. If the secret is meeting good people who help me a lot, it seems to be the secret. Our group uses Irish fodder called « Red Mill, » and I personally like it. There is no special difference in teaching style from other groups. However, they are constantly teaching assistant. In the case of other Korean assistants, they take a two-week break or have an assistant at certain intervals, but in our Mabang, they are teaching assistant immediately after two or three days. I think I get less injured than doing excessive training in a short time before the race because I keep teaching assistant. These days, assistant teachers Kim Young-kwan, Baek Kwang-yeol, and Ahn Woo-sung
In particular, Choi In-yong, head of the Seoul Regional Headquarters, is expected to play a central role in change and innovation as he will also serve as head of the Seoul Racing Authority. In addition, Jang Dong-ho, head of the Seoul Racing Authority, Lee Hyun-chul, head of the disease management team at the Jeju Ranch, Moon Yoon-young, head of the Human Resources Education Center, Choi Soo-won, head of the accounting team at the Human Resources Development Institute, 인터넷경마 and Hong Yong-hyun, head of the Jungnang branch, were selected as head of the Human Resources Education Center. The horse industry predicts that although the figure is small at 28, it will have a revolutionary destructive power in the future of the Korean Horse Association.In response to Chairman Ji Sung-kwan’s unconventional follow-up, employees of the Korea Racing Authority said, « Chairman Hyun Myung-kwan has reaffirmed his strong commitment to promoting innovation, » but on the other hand, they are also critical that it will be difficult for executives and employees to speak out in the future due to « recriminatory personnel appointments to key figures. »
In particular, Choi In-yong, head of the Seoul Regional Headquarters, is expected to play a central role in change and innovation as he will also serve as head of the Seoul Racing Authority. In addition, Jang Dong-ho, head of the Seoul Racing Authority, Lee Hyun-chul, head of the disease management team at the Jeju Ranch, Moon Yoon-young, head of the Human Resources Education Center, Choi Soo-won, head of the accounting team at the Human Resources Development Institute, and 인터넷경마 Hong Yong-hyun, head of the Jungnang branch, were selected as head of the Human Resources Education Center. The horse industry predicts that although the figure is small at 28, it will have a revolutionary destructive power in the future of the Korean Horse Association.In response to Chairman Ji Sung-kwan’s unconventional follow-up, employees of the Korea Racing Authority said, « Chairman Hyun Myung-kwan has reaffirmed his strong commitment to promoting innovation, » but on the other hand, they are also critical that it will be difficult for executives and employees to speak out in the future due to « recriminatory personnel appointments to key figures. »
Power City » is a special word that cannot be returned to production because it is very strong, but it is a special word that I am very attached to. Rather than being greedy, I will manage it hoping that we will run on the racetrack together for a long time without getting sick. I am sensitive to sand, so I tried to follow the New White Sox from the outside when 인터넷경마 they did a good job, but I was trapped inside because the « meni money » hit faster than I thought. When I was hit by the sand, I was also unable to catch up with him and drooped, which seems to have helped with the strength arrangement. Ahead of this competition, Maple’s condition is definitely good and confidence seems to be the factor in winning the championship. I am happy to win the prize with my favorite junior, the jockey Moon Se-young, and I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the fans.
It is also well known as a familiar face to fans and the public. During the period when Jamain « Temporary Unbeatable » and « Indie Band » were on a roll with brilliant records, there were also anecdotes that horse racing fans recognized their faces first and pretended to know each other and asked Jung Young-sik for an autograph. Let’s listen to his honest 일본경마사이트 story, who is the vice president of the Busan-Gyeongnam Myeon Association and also the face of Macau Horse Racing. While running a company, he has carried out various public interest activities. He also made a lot of donations because he thought that he would have to do something meaningful on the same line of existing public interest activities by achieving great success while doing face-to-face activities, making a big prize money. Although horses belong to the face, I don’t think the role of the horse in the process of earning money is significant. Of course, it is correct to select and invest horses, but I think it is a complex result of the contribution
Some of these horse racing fans are not allowed to participate in the private race, so there are constant calls for the expansion of the horse-riding reservation system. The possibility of introducing a non-horse-riding ticket reservation system still remains. Of course, it is a big problem that admission fees must be collected because of taxes while horse racing is not being held, but Gyeongyoon, who is showing an increase in convenience or downward trend for horse-racing fans, said on the reason for the proposal for the revision of the Farmland Act, « The Horse Industry Promotion Act stipulates horse-riding facilities in farming 인터넷경마 and fishing villages that combine with projects such as consignment management of horses in farming and fishing villages, and the government wants to increase the number of horse-riding facilities to 500 by 2016 in the 2012 Comprehensive Plan for Promotion of Horse Industry. However, as the current law does not allow the installation of horse-riding facilities in farming and fishing villages in agricultural promotion zones, there is a limit to the policy of revitalizing horse-riding facilities to diversify farmers’ income sources under the Horse Industry Promotion Act and the Horse Industry Promotion Comprehensive Plan.
He is a three-time champion, and he has a good teamwork with a victory and a good third-place performance. In particular, the third-place finisher in the previous race was a better-than-expected performance, which gave him an opportunity to participate in the race with confidence in the future. Although there are some formidable opponents this race, I think they are preparing well and that they will be able to produce good results because they are in good condition. He is not in bad condition 인터넷경마 and has shown consistency. Now that he has been in the second race, it is difficult to make this assessment, and what he felt during his training is not reliable yet to expect a prize, but he believes that he will be able to escape from his sluggish performance as before.
Nevertheless, I thought the prize money returning to Maju was 일본경마사이트 so great that it was a blessing and a winter. My heart did not allow me to take it all, and I felt that I should give it back to society and share it. I hoped that it would be talked about by many people for a long time by donating in the name of words rather than in my name. I thought doing so was a reward for words. Especially when I donated in the name of words, the name of the words was inducted into the Hall of Fame and it was very rewarding. When I donated, it became known through various media, so I wonder if they are looking at me as representing Korea. Rather than having to donate in their names, I think it would be appropriate to share their special income with the world because they are economically stable. Famous wealthy people, such as Carnegie, an American steel king, and Warren Buffett, a world-class investor, show active donations. They say they consider their wealth a blessing from God. So I think it would be natural to share the
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The full implementation of the electronic card by the Board of Audit and Inspection is a legal system that requires charging the amount of money to the card with personal information entered when using all legal gambling industries, including horse racing, bicycle racing, casinos, and lottery tickets for professional sports, as well as sports betting rights (Sports Toto). When electronic cards are introduced, users of the gambling industry are required to charge cash and bet on them after receiving t인터넷경마 he card, not the current cash purchase method, but are required to recognize fingers (designated veins) in the process of issuing the card. In particular, the recommendation being pursued by the Board of Audit and Inspection is that it will expand to 20% of the over-the-counter sales centers this year based on the full implementation of electronic cards in 2018, and reduce the cash bet to 30,000 won next year and lower the cash bet to 10,000 won in 2017.
The full implementation of the electronic card by the Board of Audit and Inspection is a legal system that requires charging the amount of money to the card with personal information entered when using all legal gambling industries, including horse racing, bicycle racing, casinos, and lottery tickets for professional sports, as well as sports betting rights (Sports Toto). 인터넷경마 When electronic cards are introduced, users of the gambling industry are required to charge cash and bet on them after receiving the card, not the current cash purchase method, but are required to recognize fingers (designated veins) in the process of issuing the card. In particular, the recommendation being pursued by the Board of Audit and Inspection is that it will expand to 20% of the over-the-counter sales centers this year based on the full implementation of electronic cards in 2018, and reduce the cash bet to 30,000 won next year and lower the cash bet to 10,000 won in 2017.
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