Les animaux marins ( en voie de disparition )

Posté le 11 juin 2013 par leblogpourtoi dans twit

Comme tout le monde le sais, certaines espèces marines sont menacées principalement par la pollution qui entraine le réchauffement climatique


I/Les causes de la disparition


A/La chasse


Les baleines sont les principales victimes de la chasse, car elles sont recherchées pour leur chair. Aujourd‘hui, des traités internationaux limitent de façon très stricte la chasse à la baleine.

Mais certains pays continuent la pêche à la baleine sous une condition : Que cette espèce de baleine ne soit pas menacée.


B/Les activités humaines


Les animaux marins sont pris dans des filets de pêches ou dans des hélices de bateau de croisières .La construction d’hôtel  en bort de mer peut déranger l’habitat des animaux marins.


C/La captivité


Par contre certains cétacés sont capturés pour être dompté puis exposés dans des centres aquatiques. Ces animaux vivent mal car la captivité, pour eux c’est comme un enlèvement car beaucoup d’entre eux, ont un rôle dans leur bande. Ainsi si on enlève un membre d’un groupe cela bouleverse tout.

Pour les cétacés la capture est un exercice violent. Certain d’entre eux comme les dauphins se noient à cause du stresse. Plus de la moitié des dauphins meurent durant les deux premières années de captivité, l’espérance de vie d’un grand dauphin en captivité est de 20 ans au maximum, aux contraire d’un grand dauphin en liberté qui accède facilement les 45 ans tandis que pour une femelle libre elle atteint facilement les 55 ans.


D/La pollution industrielle


La pollution est plus visible et plus connue, elle est causée par des accidents de navire pétroliers ce qui entraînent les marées noires qui sont de plus en plus visibles .De nombreux bateaux viennent vidée leur déchets dans la mer.


E/Les changements climatiques


Le réchauffement climatique est causé par la pollution. Le réchauffement climatique hausse la température des océans et modifie les courants océaniques. Les animaux marins ne peuvent pas vivre dans de nouvelle conditions.


II/Les principales victimes


A/Le Dugong


Les populations de dugong ( vaches marines ) déclinent dangereusement .Le dugong, ce gros mammifère marin de 500 kg, à la silhouette lourde, est obligé de venir à la surface de l’eau toute les 1 à 4 minutes. Il est victime de la pêche, de la pollution des eaux et des accidents. A cause de certaines croyances hygiènes dans certains pays, le Dugong est tué pour ces vertus magique. Les défenses de Dugong mâles servent à confectionner des colliers ou des fûmes cigarette. A ce jour il ne reste que 70.000 Dugongs. Sur les côtes Africaines, autrefois on pouvait les observés par troupeaux de plusieurs centaines de bêtes, on ne les voit plus maintenant que par dizaines ou même par fois seul.

B/Le Phoque moine


Il fait partie des 6 espèces de mammifères marins les plus menacés au monde. Les phoques sont menacés par la pollution, elle les rend malade et les affaiblie. A cause des pêches il n’a plus assez de nourritures, il est aussi tuer car on l’accuse de manger trop de poisson, ils se font prendre dans des filets que les pêcheurs ont laissé. Il n’en reste environ 500 sur terre.


C/La Baleine Bleue


La pêche a anéantit la population de Baleine bleue, à cause de la surpêche à la baleine. Il en restait encore 200.000 en 1950 tandis qu’en 1980 il n’en restait que 2.000. L’interdiction de sa chasse et la création récente d’un sanctuaire devrai permettre à l’ espèce de se reproduire.


D/Le Beluga


Le béluga est une espèce vulnérable. Il en reste 60.000 à 80.000 bélugas sur la terre. Ils sont menacés par la pollution de la mer par les produits toxiques, cela les rend malades.




L’esturgeon a disparu des côtes d’Europe occidentale, sauf en France ou il est quand même devenu très rare. Plus de 4.000 captures en 1947 et 10 en 1980. Il est regrettable de tuer la femelle pour en extraire les œufs, car cette manière de procéder entraîne la suspension des reproducteurs indispensable à la source de l’espèce. Ces animaux sont menacés par la pollution, les dragages, les barrages et la pêche de sujet trop jeunes .Toutes c’est conditions font que l’esturgeon se raréfie dangereusement et risque même de s’éteindre dans un avenir prochain.




L’hippocampe appeler cheval des mers est menacé. 20 millions d’entre eux sont pêché chaque année.  Ils sont aussi vendu vivant comme poisson d’aquarium et on s’en sert comme bibelot ou sécher dans des pendentifs.




Si on ne fait rien pour protéger les océans, certaines espèces marines n’existerons plus d’ici peu.

J’aime les animaux et la nature, nous devons les protéger!

37  487 Commentaires le “Les animaux marins ( en voie de disparition )”

  1. test008

    In the horseback riding world, it is often said that Korean horseback riding depends on youth and student horseback riding. It is also true that so many equestrian people sympathize with the importance of youth and student horseback riding. In the 36th election for the president of the Korea Student Horses Association held on the 6th, Choi Byung-w 일본경마사이트 ook, the former chairman of the Korea Student Horses Association, won a second term, which will accelerate the consistent business activation of youth and student horseback riding, which began to gain momentum. Chairman Choi Byung-wook, who was elected in a by-election held due to the resignation of his former chairman and began to take the helm of the student horse riding, is a former equestrian athlete and has been regarded as the right person to be the head of the student horse riding industry, including former student horse riding association executives, face-to-face association executives, and outside directors of the Korea Horse Association, and has been

  2. 인터넷경마

    This horse was purchased by my father at the time of the U.S. auction and was named and managed by my mother. I haven’t seen racing consistently, but I think it is suitable for Korean racing due to the nature of my horse race, so I participated in this competition. I’m always rooting for him, but I’m so happy that he ran a good race. My father is registered인터넷경마 as a foreigner face-to-face in Korea, and he wants to contribute to the development of Korean horse racing by introducing training facilities and technologies in Jeju. I want to take today’s joy to Japan and enjoy it. I watched the race with great excitement. Since Fujii had a lot of experience in Korea, I heard a lot of stories and prepared for the development. I don’t like horses to splatter in sand, so I studied a lot about how to overcome this.

  3. test008

    Despite all the ups and downs, I am grateful to the delegates who trusted and selected me. I think they acknowledged that I worked hard for student horseback riding for two years last year, so I should do my best. 일본경마사이트 The current problem facing the horseback riding industry is the recovery of the image of horse riding, which has been tarnished due to suspicion of preferential horse riding. In this regard, the Student Horses Association believes that the youth should work harder to revive the crisis as an opportunity. What direction will you lead the student horse riding association? As I run a business, I plan to introduce a management mindset to the operation of the student horse riding association. It is a kind of hide-and-seeker concept. I will get consulting from experts and if there is a talented person, I will recruit him and work with him. In the past, the Korean Horse Racing Authority provided services to sports marketing experts to come up with measures to revitalize horse riding competitions.

  4. test008

    At the last regular general meeting, some pointed out that some delegates spent operating expenses recklessly. It was inevitable because there were several changes in the project last year. Originally, the government planned to hold a youth equestrian event in the square in front of Seoul City Hall, but it did not go well. Then, the plan was to change it to a 일본경마사이트 park behind the National Assembly building in Yeouido, Seoul, and push for it again, but it failed at the end. As the plan was finally changed to hold it within the Korean Racing Authority, the association decided to do it directly from the event proceeding to the establishment of the venue. Earlier, there was a budget that considered the installation of stands and LED lights necessary to hold it in other places, but it seems that it was a negligent operation in the process of implementing them. And I agree with some of the management deficiencies. Most of the executives of the student horse riding association work as both a day job, so they are not

  5. 인터넷경마

    After about four months of implementation, various opinions are emerging on the rating system and mountainous integrated racing. The racing system transformation TF said it has announced the above policy after analyzing the results during the above period and determining that domestic horses are still somewhat lacking in competitiveness 인터넷경마 compared to foreign horses. Initially, it was decided to readjust in accordance with the purpose of improving the quality of horse racing by strengthening the competitiveness of domestic horses. The adjusted rating will be applied from the first week of July. Attention is focusing on the results of the integrated race between domestic and foreign horses following the rating adjustment.

  6. test008

    I was told that I was close to Park, and that I was Chimsobongdae. The Korea Federation of Student Horses has nothing to do with politics. How do you plan to use the channel to communicate with the students’ athletes? 일본경마사이트 It is more effective to express the channel through video clips rather than delivering them in writing. Therefore, we are planning to build the association’s website or use SNS based on the video contents of the competition that we have. We will have more youth matches starting this year. We plan to hold many competitions, dividing them by region and holding preliminary matches of the club league. If the video of the competition that we filmed here is broadcast live, you will be able to watch horse-riding competitions in other regions anywhere in the country. The student horse-riding association in Imja Island, Sinan, South Jeolla Province, can watch the youth competition in Gangneung, Gangwon Province without having to go there in person. The Korea Federation of Student Horses plans to lead

  7. test008

    Jeong Yu-ra suffered the most from suspicion of favoritism in the horseback riding. What do you think as the head of the student horse riding? I think manners come first in all sports. At last year’s championship in Gumi, they put posters on « Hello first, » « Being polite, » and « Hello each other, » and worked hard to educate people on manners. 일본경마사이트 At every competition, the board members of the association watched them work hard for the competition from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m., and said that the children are struggling first. They found out that the Korea Racing Authority (KRA) does its best for them. Since most families have only one or two children these days, they may lack social skills and communication skills, but if education is conducted through an animal medium called horses, children can be purified and develop communication skills. I plan to strengthen the aspect of etiquette education in the future. Also, we need to promote the positive aspects of horseback riding. Last year, children gathered from all over the

  8. Fidel

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  9. 인터넷경마

    Park Sung-ki, secretary-general of the Audit and Inspection Committee, stressed the need for budget, organization and cooperation in cracking down on illegal gambling, saying, « Three incumbent police officers are dispatched to the inspection committee, but it is in poor conditions for actual crackdowns. » Lee Won-hee, director of the Public Institution Research Center at the Korea Institute of Taxation and Finance, said, « Expanding and nurturing the market by introducing competition systems can be a way to reduce the illegal market, » while Park Sung-ki, secretary-general of the integrated supervision committee of the인터넷경마 four-way industry, emphasized the need for budget, organization and cooperation to crack down on illegal gambling. The symposium on this day was full of great attention from the political community and the general society, and there was a shortage of seats in the 500-seat grand conference room.

  10. Cecil

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  11. 인터넷경마

    It hasn’t been long since we met, but I’m very happy and honored to win the horse race that I’ve dreamed of. These are the words I chose after going to the Pesig-Tipton auction. There were many words I originally thought of, but as soon as I saw these words, I felt like I was hooked, so I bought them. I think it’s a really good choice, and I hope other horses 인터넷경마 will run well and continue this honor. I will try to grow into the best horse in Korea by taking good care of the horses I have. I will do my best to face each other so that I can aim for overseas horse racing in the future. I would like to thank my counterparts for their support, the jockey for riding well, and the Mabang family for their hard work.

  12. test008

    The story of Limja, Sinan, South Jeolla Province, has been aired on TV, but it should be more so. I heard that there was a meaningful competition among the competitions held last year. Last year, a competition that could mark the victory of Korean students was held at Daemyung Vivaldi Park in Hongcheon, Gangwon Province. It is 일본경마사이트 called « CSIP, » an international pony competition recognized by the International Federation of Horseback-riding (FEI). It was held in Daemyung. We are planning to hold the « CSIP » competition again this year, but we have not made a final decision due to the Chung Yu-ra incident. If it is held, this year will be an upgraded version compared to last year. For the students selected in this competition, we will also give them an opportunity to observe foreign matches by utilizing the standing army system. Some associations are supporting them to provide more opportunities to visit various overseas competitions. Rather than focusing benefits on some players, we will try to give benefits to

  13. 인터넷경마

    It seems that the reason for the victory was that he focused on conditioning to reduce stress from away games as much as possible. I think Korea will be able to develop quickly because of its strong will to learn advanced horse racing. If I have a chance next time, I would like to visit Korea. At the arts market, my assistant teacher said that if I ride the인터넷경마 horse as it goes, I will be able to perform well enough. It seems that the development was conscious of the ‘flytop queen’ or ‘joy lucky’ who started quickly, resulting in good results. Originally, his horse was in good condition and he started training in earnest from Tuesday and worked together. I am so happy to win the championship, and if there is a Korean race while working in Japan in the future, I would like to come and greet him from time to time.

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