Les animaux marins ( en voie de disparition )

Posté le 11 juin 2013 par leblogpourtoi dans twit

Comme tout le monde le sais, certaines espèces marines sont menacées principalement par la pollution qui entraine le réchauffement climatique


I/Les causes de la disparition


A/La chasse


Les baleines sont les principales victimes de la chasse, car elles sont recherchées pour leur chair. Aujourd‘hui, des traités internationaux limitent de façon très stricte la chasse à la baleine.

Mais certains pays continuent la pêche à la baleine sous une condition : Que cette espèce de baleine ne soit pas menacée.


B/Les activités humaines


Les animaux marins sont pris dans des filets de pêches ou dans des hélices de bateau de croisières .La construction d’hôtel  en bort de mer peut déranger l’habitat des animaux marins.


C/La captivité


Par contre certains cétacés sont capturés pour être dompté puis exposés dans des centres aquatiques. Ces animaux vivent mal car la captivité, pour eux c’est comme un enlèvement car beaucoup d’entre eux, ont un rôle dans leur bande. Ainsi si on enlève un membre d’un groupe cela bouleverse tout.

Pour les cétacés la capture est un exercice violent. Certain d’entre eux comme les dauphins se noient à cause du stresse. Plus de la moitié des dauphins meurent durant les deux premières années de captivité, l’espérance de vie d’un grand dauphin en captivité est de 20 ans au maximum, aux contraire d’un grand dauphin en liberté qui accède facilement les 45 ans tandis que pour une femelle libre elle atteint facilement les 55 ans.


D/La pollution industrielle


La pollution est plus visible et plus connue, elle est causée par des accidents de navire pétroliers ce qui entraînent les marées noires qui sont de plus en plus visibles .De nombreux bateaux viennent vidée leur déchets dans la mer.


E/Les changements climatiques


Le réchauffement climatique est causé par la pollution. Le réchauffement climatique hausse la température des océans et modifie les courants océaniques. Les animaux marins ne peuvent pas vivre dans de nouvelle conditions.


II/Les principales victimes


A/Le Dugong


Les populations de dugong ( vaches marines ) déclinent dangereusement .Le dugong, ce gros mammifère marin de 500 kg, à la silhouette lourde, est obligé de venir à la surface de l’eau toute les 1 à 4 minutes. Il est victime de la pêche, de la pollution des eaux et des accidents. A cause de certaines croyances hygiènes dans certains pays, le Dugong est tué pour ces vertus magique. Les défenses de Dugong mâles servent à confectionner des colliers ou des fûmes cigarette. A ce jour il ne reste que 70.000 Dugongs. Sur les côtes Africaines, autrefois on pouvait les observés par troupeaux de plusieurs centaines de bêtes, on ne les voit plus maintenant que par dizaines ou même par fois seul.

B/Le Phoque moine


Il fait partie des 6 espèces de mammifères marins les plus menacés au monde. Les phoques sont menacés par la pollution, elle les rend malade et les affaiblie. A cause des pêches il n’a plus assez de nourritures, il est aussi tuer car on l’accuse de manger trop de poisson, ils se font prendre dans des filets que les pêcheurs ont laissé. Il n’en reste environ 500 sur terre.


C/La Baleine Bleue


La pêche a anéantit la population de Baleine bleue, à cause de la surpêche à la baleine. Il en restait encore 200.000 en 1950 tandis qu’en 1980 il n’en restait que 2.000. L’interdiction de sa chasse et la création récente d’un sanctuaire devrai permettre à l’ espèce de se reproduire.


D/Le Beluga


Le béluga est une espèce vulnérable. Il en reste 60.000 à 80.000 bélugas sur la terre. Ils sont menacés par la pollution de la mer par les produits toxiques, cela les rend malades.




L’esturgeon a disparu des côtes d’Europe occidentale, sauf en France ou il est quand même devenu très rare. Plus de 4.000 captures en 1947 et 10 en 1980. Il est regrettable de tuer la femelle pour en extraire les œufs, car cette manière de procéder entraîne la suspension des reproducteurs indispensable à la source de l’espèce. Ces animaux sont menacés par la pollution, les dragages, les barrages et la pêche de sujet trop jeunes .Toutes c’est conditions font que l’esturgeon se raréfie dangereusement et risque même de s’éteindre dans un avenir prochain.




L’hippocampe appeler cheval des mers est menacé. 20 millions d’entre eux sont pêché chaque année.  Ils sont aussi vendu vivant comme poisson d’aquarium et on s’en sert comme bibelot ou sécher dans des pendentifs.




Si on ne fait rien pour protéger les océans, certaines espèces marines n’existerons plus d’ici peu.

J’aime les animaux et la nature, nous devons les protéger!

37  313 Commentaires le “Les animaux marins ( en voie de disparition )”

  1. 인터넷경마

    He has mainly focused on developing sources of non-farm income, 일본경마사이트 revitalizing the rural economy, fostering regional industries such as ginseng, herbal medicine and traditional liquor, establishing rural development plans and implementing slate roof measures to improve living conditions.

  2. test008

    Horseback riding was the envy and envy of the general public as it is a sport of their own. Horseback racing is a speculative industry rather than a pleasure of horse racing itself, and its negative image has 일본경마사이트 been solidified by the public as it has a strong image of gambling addiction. It is a matter of constant concern, but it is quite difficult to create a sound horse racing industry that the whole people can enjoy together with sound sports. The Horseback Industry Promotion Act was enacted in 2011 and the first five-year comprehensive plan was established in 2012. Up to now, the first comprehensive plan has been formulated and implemented based on four major solutions: the establishment of a foundation for the horse industry, strengthening competitiveness, expanding demand for horses, fostering related industries, and the establishment of a foundation for sustainable development. In particular, we have invested a lot of government budget in places where the public can feel it, such as a project

  3. 인터넷경마

    To this end, he said, « We will focus on building welfare and rural areas, increasing farm income, making new growth engines for agriculture, forestry and livestock industries, improving distribution structure, and establishing a stable food supply and demand system. » Minister Lee Dong-pil was born in 1955 and graduated from Yeungnam University’s 일본경마사이트 Department of Livestock Management, Seoul National University’s Graduate School of Agricultural Economics, and Missouri University’s Department of Agricultural Economics. He joined the Korea Rural Economic Research Institute in 1980 to study the direction of development of agriculture and rural areas for more than 30 years.

  4. test008

    At the first seminar (celebrating the designation of the Jeju Special Zone in July 2015), he mentioned the adverse effects of horse racing. Since then, he has finalized and implemented major policies such as the 일본경마사이트 selection of special zones 2 and 3 and the succession of state-certified succession. Unlike before, he has implemented efficient, appropriate and field-oriented administration so that the Korean horse industry can enter a stable position. If so, what if it is most rewarding? Also, if there are any regrets? We will have to wait and see if the « Boram » is any guide. Rather than being rewarding, even though he has worked a lot on-site, there are no clear solutions to the chronic problems, such as difficulties in accessing horse racing facilities, expensive horse racing fees, falling out of the way when using them, and safety problems. He has built a public horse racing facility near the city, improved the insurance system, promoted the stabilization of horse racing management, and launched personal

  5. 인터넷경마

    He has mainly focused on developing sources of non-farm income, revitalizing the rural economy, fostering regional industries such as ginseng, herbal medicine and traditional liquor, establishing rural development plans and implementing slate roof measures to improve living conditions. In 1994, Lee served as a working member of the Agricultural Policy Council of the Prime Minister’s Office, and served as a full-time member of the Presidential Committee on Regulatory Reform, chairman of the 일본경마사이트 Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries’s own Regulatory Review Committee, head of the mid-term finance team of the Ministry of Strategy and Finance and a member of the Presidential Committee for Regional Development. Lee received the National Medal of Merit and the National Medal of Merit in 1999 and 2011, respectively, for his achievements in agriculture and food. Lee, who is well versed in U.S. affairs and economic trade, is considered a leader who leads the organization well with his gentle personality.

  6. test008

    There is also a problem that worsens the management of the horse riding industry due to the inability to use electricity for farming. I think this is a problem that arose due to the fundamental problem of whether the 일본경마사이트 horse riding site itself is an agricultural facility or a livestock facility. Due to the lack of legal stability, the problem has continued and has not been resolved. Therefore, rather than being rewarding, we are regrettable that we have not been able to resolve these various pending issues and are working hard to resolve them. The most impressive part was the 2016 Special Zone Relay Meeting with former Director Lee Chun-il and Chief Ahn Yong-deok. At that time, he was talked about as an « Avengers » in the horse industry and received a lot of positive response from the field. It was also the first time in the history of the Ministry of State affairs. Two years ago, we had an on-site relay meeting with the Director and the Chief of Staff. I think it helped to promote communication between the

  7. 인터넷경마

    The Seoul Horse Racing Association has urged the government to go all out against illegal gambling activities that threaten the horse racing industry, drawing attention. As reports on illegal gambling continue, various policies and efforts to eradicate illegal gambling and gambling have been proposed in the horse racing industry as a whole and in society, and sound development of the legal gambling industry is expected along with the prevention and eradication of illegal gambling, which is emerging 인터넷경마 as a major ills in Korean society. Kang Yong-sik (8th), chairman of the Seoul Horse Racing Association, held a press conference at the hill of roses in Seoul Land ahead of the 20th anniversary of the foundation of the Seoul Horse Racing Association and the inauguration ceremony of the chairman, and urged the government and the horse society to wage an all-out war against the illegal gambling industry.

  8. 인터넷경마

    The Seoul Horse Racing Association has urged the government to go all out against illegal gambling activities that threaten the horse racing industry, drawing attention. As reports on illegal gambling continue, various policies and efforts to eradicate illegal gambling and gambling have been proposed in the horse racing industry as a whole and in society, and sound development of the legal gambling industry is expected along with the prevention and eradication of illegal gambling, which is 인터넷경마 emerging as a major ills in Korean society. Kang Yong-sik (8th), chairman of the Seoul Horse Racing Association, held a press conference at the hill of roses in Seoul Land ahead of the 20th anniversary of the foundation of the Seoul Horse Racing Association and the inauguration ceremony of the chairman, and urged the government and the horse society to wage an all-out war against the illegal gambling industry.

  9. test008

    The government also requires cooperation and efforts from all walks of life. If you have any difficulties or memorable episodes as a public official in charge. The livestock industry basically aims to provide stable 일본경마사이트 supply of safe livestock food to the people. On the other hand, the horse industry aims to improve the quality of life of the people by training and using horses well. The law is different. As a result, this problem itself became Gye-reuk. Even in our livestock country, there was little concept of animal use, and it was unfamiliar because it was a special part of the horse industry. As the Horse Industry Promotion Act has not been able to solve this problem, we are looking for a way to cooperate between the horse industry and the livestock industry by creating a livestock use industry in the parent corporation’s livestock industry. Since a new government has been established, there is a movement to legislate to solve this problem. If the livestock use industry is applied, I wonder if it will be

  10. test008

    I think we will have many better horses in the next few years if we supplement the technical system or expand and disseminate field cases. The horse industry seems to be in a particularly unique position in Korea. 일본경마사이트 It can be concentrated on enacting the world’s only single livestock law, relations with other agriculture and livestock, and revitalizing the special zone. What is the current state of the Korean horse industry as a public official in charge of the front line? The Horse Industry Promotion Act has the world’s only law, but it is shameful. When the law was enacted, there was a difference between the horse industry and other industries. Since the part of horseback riding as a sport was transferred (to the Ministry of Agriculture) before that, it has to be integrated with the livestock and agricultural sectors, and the horse industry has to contribute to the development of agriculture. In order to do that, there must be sufficient connection with the existing Ministry of Agriculture and Food or other

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  12. 인터넷경마

    The Seoul Horse Racing Association has urged the government to go all out against illegal gambling activities that threaten the horse racing industry, drawing attention. As reports on illegal gambling continue, various policies and efforts to eradicate illegal gambling and gambling have been proposed in the horse racing industry as a whole and in society,인터넷경마 and sound development of the legal gambling industry is expected along with the prevention and eradication of illegal gambling, which is emerging as a major ills in Korean society. Kang Yong-sik (8th), chairman of the Seoul Horse Racing Association, held a press conference at the hill of roses in Seoul Land ahead of the 20th anniversary of the foundation of the Seoul Horse Racing Association and the inauguration ceremony of the chairman, and urged the government and the horse society to wage an all-out war against the illegal gambling industry.

  13. 인터넷경마

    The Seoul Horse Racing Association has urged the government to go all out against illegal gambling activities that threaten the horse racing industry, drawing attention. As reports on illegal gambling continue, various policies and efforts to eradicate illegal gambling and gambling have been proposed in the horse racing industry as a whole and in society, and sound development of the legal gambling industry is expected along with the prevention and eradication of illegal gambling, which is emerging인터넷경마 as a major ills in Korean society. Kang Yong-sik (8th), chairman of the Seoul Horse Racing Association, held a press conference at the hill of roses in Seoul Land ahead of the 20th anniversary of the foundation of the Seoul Horse Racing Association and the inauguration ceremony of the chairman, and urged the government and the horse society to wage an all-out war against the illegal gambling industry.

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  15. 인터넷경마

    In midsummer, the greenhouse where temperatures exceed 60 degrees Celsius has been built at home. On April 28, the day of his selection, Kwon was taking care of peppers all day in a greenhouse in Anseong, Gyeonggi Province, even in the heat of more than 30 degrees Celsius. Kwon Oh-yeol’s signature work, Dalgona watermelon, came to the인터넷경마 world in 1987. Dalgona watermelon is bigger and sweeter than ordinary watermelons. « Many people suggested playing soccer with watermelon because it is much stronger than ordinary watermelon, » Kwon said. « It was popular on farms because it rarely breaks even when running on unpaved roads. » Thanks to these advantages, the seed company sold more than 10 billion won (about 9.4 million U.S. dollars) of Dalgona watermelon seeds a year.

  16. 인터넷경마

    The new Yongsan branch, whose opening date is about a month away, will be installed and operated as a « complex leisure type in the city » model among the new over-the-counter branch models selected by reflecting opinions from inside and outside the horse racing industry and demands from the environment surrounding the over-the-counter branch. 일본경마사이트 The over-the-counter complex leisure-type branch in the city will drastically improve the image of the existing over-the-counter branch, which is somewhat negative, and above all, will implement a designated seat system on all floors of the viewing area to provide a pleasant atmosphere for horse racing. On the first floor of the ground, the use is limited to spaces such as social contribution-type cafes, and workplaces are provided to young people with disabilities.

  17. 인터넷경마

    Yongsan-gu is being reprimanded for being consistent with political logic, as Yongsan-gu is actively pressuring the new Yongsan branch, which is about a month away from its opening date, by sending a request for relocation outside Seoul and delivering resident signatures to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and the KRA Korean Horse 일본경마사이트 Association. Yongsan-gu District (District Mayor Jang Sung-hyun) in Seoul has been conducting a large-scale « 100,000 signature campaign to urge the relocation of Yongsan street tickets to the outskirts of Seoul » at 16 community centers since late July, and delivered a « request for relocation of Yongsan street tickets to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and the KRA on the 20th.

  18. 인터넷경마

    If the horse industry is to work properly, the government must and make great efforts. The government should not call for the horse industry as an alternative industry to highly contagious breeders such as cattle, pigs and chickens. It should also not focus solely on industrial development. Above all, the horse industry needs to be approached 일본경마사이트

    culturally and researched historically. It is also necessary to nurture athletes and provide horse support to them so that they can win medals at Olympic Games such as elite horse riding competitions. Ryu Tae-jeong has an eldest son who has been riding a horse since he was five years old. He is one of the three high school seniors who stood out by ranking top among high school athletes by winning the presidential cup steeplechase.

  19. 인터넷경마

    The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (Minister Lee Dong-pil) said it will improve regulations existing in agriculture and rural laws, saying that it plans to significantly ease the designation requirements in consideration of local horse breeding conditions in order to revitalize the horse industry after a series of requests from local governments일본경마사이트
    for improvement that the requirements are too high. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs said it plans to convert positive regulatory methods that exist in individual laws related to major industries to negative regulatory methods or actively promote regulatory improvement to a level comparable to negative regulatory methods in order to revitalize economic investment in agricultural and rural food industries and improve the corporate environment.

  20. 인터넷경마

    In response, the KRA Yongsan Branch relocation promotion committee (Yang Jong-hak, co-chairman Kim Ki-sook, hereinafter referred to as the promotion committee), which supports the relocation of Yongsan branch, argues that politicians have turned some residents’ complaints into infringement of their right to learn and distorted and spread only biased contents to residents to induce opposition signatures. It also pointed out that some district officials and district councilors are engrossed in 인터넷경마 opposition to the opposition of ignoring the local community, swept away by political logic. In fact, residents who oppose the relocation are suspected of hatching and brainstorming at the instigation of certain political forces. In particular, there were suspicions that a lawmaker of a political party, K, received various data from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and provided it to the opposition.

  21. 인터넷경마

    If the horse industry is to work properly, the government must and make great efforts. The government should not call for the horse industry as an alternative industry to highly contagious breeders such as cattle, pigs and chickens. It should also not focus solely on industrial development. Above all, the horse industry needs to be approached culturally 일본경마사이트 and researched historically. It is also necessary to nurture athletes and provide horse support to them so that they can win medals at Olympic Games such as elite horse riding competitions. Ryu Tae-jeong has an eldest son who has been riding a horse since he was five years old. He is one of the three high school seniors who stood out by ranking top among high school athletes by winning the presidential cup steeplechase.

  22. 인터넷경마

    The new Yongsan branch, whose opening date is about a month away, will be installed and operated as a « complex leisure type in the city » model among the new over-the-counter branch models selected by reflecting opinions from inside and outside the horse racing industry and demands from the environment surrounding the over-the-counter branch.일본경마사이트 The over-the-counter complex leisure-type branch in the city will drastically improve the image of the existing over-the-counter branch, which is somewhat negative, and above all, will implement a designated seat system on all floors of the viewing area to provide a pleasant atmosphere for horse racing. On the first floor of the ground, the use is limited to spaces such as social contribution-type cafes, and workplaces are provided to young people with disabilities.

  23. 인터넷경마

    If the investment industry and investment amount meet the standards prescribed by Presidential Decree, the corporate tax and income tax reduction rate is 100% for the first three years and 70% for the next two years. The rate of reduction and exemption of acquisition tax and property tax and the period of reduction were allowed by local governments to be set by ordinance. « The Horse Industry Promotion Act allows horse operators with special zones to reduce corporate tax or incom 인터넷경마 tax under the Restriction of Special Taxation Act to support horse industries within the horse industry special zone, but no specific enforcement regulations have been prepared yet. Since the government is in the process of announcing a plan to designate one special zone within this year and conducting a pilot operation, the revision of the Restriction of Special Taxation Act cannot be delayed in order to implement the tax reduction and exemption system at the same time as the designation of the special zone, » lawmaker Kim said.

  24. 인터넷경마

    The new Yongsan branch, whose opening date is about a month away, will be installed and operated as a « complex leisure type in the city » model among the new over-the-counter branch models selected by reflecting opinions from inside and outside the horse racing industry and demands from the environment surrounding the over-the-counter branch.인터넷경마 The over-the-counter complex leisure-type branch in the city will drastically improve the image of the existing over-the-counter branch, which is somewhat negative, and above all, will implement a designated seat system on all floors of the viewing area to provide a pleasant atmosphere for horse racing. On the first floor of the ground, the use is limited to spaces such as social contribution-type cafes, and workplaces are provided to young people with disabilities.

  25. 인터넷경마

    If the horse industry is to work properly, the government must and make great efforts. The government should not call for the horse industry as an alternative industry to highly contagious breeders such as cattle, pigs and chickens. It should also not focus solely on industrial development. Above all, the horse industry needs to be approached culturally and 인터넷경마 researched historically. It is also necessary to nurture athletes and provide horse support to them so that they can win medals at Olympic Games such as elite horse riding competitions. Ryu Tae-jeong has an eldest son who has been riding a horse since he was five years old. He is one of the three high school seniors who stood out by ranking top among high school athletes by winning the presidential cup steeplechase.

  26. 인터넷경마

    In response, the KRA Yongsan Branch relocation promotion committee (Yang Jong-hak, co-chairman Kim Ki-sook, hereinafter referred to as the promotion committee), which supports the relocation of Yongsan branch, argues that politicians have turned some residents’ complaints into infringement of their right to learn and distorted and spread only 인터넷경마 biased contents to residents to induce opposition signatures. It also pointed out that some district officials and district councilors are engrossed in opposition to the opposition of ignoring the local community, swept away by political logic. In fact, residents who oppose the relocation are suspected of hatching and brainstorming at the instigation of certain political forces. In particular, there were suspicions that a lawmaker of a political party, K, received various data from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and provided it to the opposition.

  27. test008

    I started to search for a profession called a flag bearer on the Internet. By chance, I found the homepage of the Jockey Association. It was around November 2003, but the recruitment was made in a hurr 일본경마사이트 y the next year. I didn’t recognize it then at the recommendation of the boss, but I thought of it later and entered the race at a late age. The process of the birth of the three-wheeled horse seems to have met the era of power blade. Every year in the race, there were one or two horses that were of similar level to each other. Also, in the latter half or during the ‘Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs’ race, good horses suddenly got tired and appeared. Last year, when the ‘Power Blade’ ran, there was no clear opponent. I had the same group, « Tuk-tuk-tuk, » which is a short-distance horse. The best key is when it comes to the ‘KRA Cup Mile.’ There was a difference of whether or not I could win the championship. At that time, my horse was in very bad condition. I won the championship even in bad

  28. test008

    After 45 wins as a trainee, he served in the military for two years. In 2009, he returned to the military for five months. In 2009, he did not ride much, but in 2010, his performance was good. He also changed his 일본경마사이트 affiliation and started improving since 2010, but he was involved in a horse racing scandal. When he returned from a year off, he thought that people might not be aware of what he had committed a crime in the past, so he worked harder. I thought that I would have to have different skills to ride horses. So, I started to create my own skill with the whip. I changed my whip. I made a whirlwind whip that was very strong and impressive. Others hit one after another with consecutive strokes, but the whirlwind whip is a form of turning the arms to hit. Every horse rode showed good performance. Popular horses were popular, and non-popular horses were popular, and non-popular horses were popular, and their performance increased to a certain extent. After he showed strong handling, he gained popularity

  29. 인터넷경마

    In a statement, the organizations said that the KRA Korean Horse Racing Association contributes to the promotion of the massage industry and the development of the livestock industry through the implementation of horse racing, contributing 220 billion won in special reserves annually to secure and enhance the competitiveness of the domestic 인터넷경마 livestock industry, and that it is revitalizing the horse racing and horse racing industries as well as driving the horse racing and horse racing industries. They called on the Board to review the horse racing regulations from the ground up, prepare measures to eradicate illegal gambling, and return them to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.

  30. 인터넷경마

    In particular, measures such as the full introduction of electronic cards and the ban on online betting, which distort customers who enjoy horse racing like gamblers and encourage them to leave illegally, must be abolished. In establishing the second comprehensive plan for the sound development of the gambling industry, which determines future policy directions, the audit committee strongly urges the establishment in a way that eliminates illegal gambling at the root, rather than focusing only on 인터넷경마 strengthening regulations on the legal gambling industry that can be easily managed. The Korea Racing Authority uses the stalls, dressage, and main buildings of the Wondang Ranch, which was built in 1971. The horse racing is also old and is mainly unsuitable for training. However, there is a tomb of the royal family in the Joseon Dynasty, « Seosamneung, » at the entrance of the horse racing education center, and the nearby green belt area, making it impossible to expand or renovate the building.

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  32. 인터넷경마

    The efforts to revitalize Jeju’s horseback riding and globalize Hallama, which CEO Seo Myung-woon usually advocates, are slowly bearing fruit. This is a process to increase the value of Hallama and an attempt to revitalize Korean tourism. Therefore, officials from the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, who make policy decisions, also accepted the project to take charge of the tertiary industry of the horse industry, and the event was held with the approval of the minister and the president. 일본경마사이트
    Seo is also considering holding an endurance competition at the 2014 Asian Games to be held in Incheon next year. Seo is also a member of the Incheon Asian Games horseback riding advisory committee, and after consulting with the Incheon mayor, he said he will decide whether to hold the Asian Games endurance competition in October.

  33. 인터넷경마

    In particular, measures such as the full introduction of electronic cards and the ban on online betting, which distort customers who enjoy horse racing like gamblers and encourage them to leave illegally, must be abolished. In establishing the second comprehensive plan for the sound development of the gambling industry, which determines future policy일본경마사이트
    directions, the audit committee strongly urges the establishment in a way that eliminates illegal gambling at the root, rather than focusing only on strengthening regulations on the legal gambling industry that can be easily managed. The Korea Racing Authority uses the stalls, dressage, and main buildings of the Wondang Ranch, which was built in 1971. The horse racing is also old and is mainly unsuitable for training. However, there is a tomb of the royal family in the Joseon Dynasty, « Seosamneung, » at the entrance of the horse racing education center, and the nearby green belt area, making it impossible to expand or renovate the building.

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  35. 인터넷경마

    In a statement, the organizations said that the KRA Korean Horse Racing Association contributes to the promotion of the massage industry and the development of the livestock industry through the implementation of horse racing, contributing 220 billion won in special reserves annually to secure and enhance the competitiveness of the domestic livestock일본경마사이트
    industry, and that it is revitalizing the horse racing and horse racing industries as well as driving the horse racing and horse racing industries. They called on the Board to review the horse racing regulations from the ground up, prepare measures to eradicate illegal gambling, and return them to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.

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  37. 인터넷경마

    As a follow-up measure to the evaluation of management performance, the Ministry of Strategy and Finance proposed dismissing two heads of institutions who received E grade (Korea Coal Corporation, Korea Nuclear Safety and Technology Institute) and warning 16 heads of institutions who received D grade. Meanwhile, the management evaluation of th인터넷경마 e Ministry of Economy and Finance is expected to be an important standard amid the recent massive reshuffle of heads of public institutions since the inauguration of the Park Geun Hye government. While there is no S grade, the Korea Racing Authority, which received a relatively high B grade in the evaluation of institutions and heads of institutions, seems to be taking a breather, but attention is being paid to how the lowest ranking in the audit evaluation will affect it.

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  39. 인터넷경마

    In addition, by attracting disability sales centers, it can contribute to the industrialization of tourism in Cheongju and Cheongwon integrated cities, securing local financial tax revenues, and supporting the socially disadvantaged such as rural welfare and the disabled and the elderly. It emphasized the need to attract over-the-counter sales centers, 인터넷경마 saying that it can create a theme park to foster the horse industry with the horse community in underdeveloped areas of Cheongju City. Cheongju City is adjacent to Sejong Special Self-Governing City and Daejeon Metropolitan City, which are the administrative capitals, and is emerging as an optimal location, with Cheongju and Cheongwon integrated cities set to be launched, but in 2005 and 2006, it was canceled due to opposition from civic groups and local governments, so the process is not expected to be smooth.

  40. Maxine

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  41. 인터넷경마

    While serving as the president of the Korea Food Service Industry Association and the honorary chairman of the Korea Federation of Korean Horse Industry, he is paying attention to the horse meat business and social contribution through rehabilitation horse riding. It is time to reconsider and have hope for horses, culture and industry that our people, descendants of the great horseback riding people, have forgotten. I think horses and chickens are the closest animals to our famil일본경마사이트 y. In particular, there are no animals as pure and emotional as horses. There is no animal as good as horses for bringing back children’s emotions and developing humanities. The government should promote rehabilitation horses that are difficult to access and expand the base of horseback riding, which was considered only a sport for the upper class, so that children can grow up with dreams.

  42. 인터넷경마

    Taking the lead in social contribution that gives hope to children through horses and chickens, I think there is a vision in the food service industry. At the inauguration ceremony of the Korean Hoof Engineers Association today, he gave an encouraging speech and expressed his ambition for the domestic horse industry. It is an event where horse hoof engineers who used to work under the name of Jangjeisa gathered together to announce the launch. We know how important the role of hors일본경마사이트 e hoof engineers is in the horse industry. This year, it is also necessary to revise the system to reflect on and foster horse industry policies with the Korean Horse Industry Association. This is because I am convinced that the horse industry is the center and hope of Korea’s new growth industry in the 21st century.

  43. 인터넷경마

    Food and Rural Affairs, Baek Han-seung, head of the livestock policy division of Gyeonggi Province, Cho Deok-joon, head of the Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, Yoo Keun-joon, vice president of policy of the Korea Federation of Agricultural Management, Hong Soon-cheol, vice chairman of the Dairy Beef Association, Woo Soon-geun, chairman of the 일본경마사이트
    Seoul Horse Association, Kim Jeom-oh, chairman of the Seoul Horse Association, Kim Dong-cheol, president of the Korea Race Horse Producers Association, Jang Yong-seok, chairman of the Korea Race Horse Producers Association, Kang Young-jong, president of the Jeju Horse Producers Association, Shin Sang-seop, Kim Sang-pil, president of the Hanram Producers Association, Kim Moon-young, publisher of the Horse Culture Newspaper, and Yang Sung-joo, head of the Jeju Healthy Horse Counseling Center.

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